state Official Nebraska Government Website


The Nebraska State Capitol steps have seen a lot of history. "A capital time, on the Capitol steps" #LNK

Nebraska Offers Endless Possibilities.

Nebraska is truly in the middle of it all, offering an array of advantages that make exploring, living, working and doing business here a wonderful and rewarding experience. Exceptional quality of life, clean air, excellent educational opportunities, vast recreation, and safe environment, as well as, unmatched work ethic, business-friendly atmosphere, and lower-overall cost of living make Nebraska a dynamic location.

Nebraska Advantages Abound

  • World class telecommunications infrastructure
  • Business friendly regulatory atmosphere
  • Wage credits, including teleworkers
  • Research and development credits
  • Available sites and buildings
  • Low cost, reliable power
  • Key transportation routes
  • Unmatched work ethic
  • Real estate tax refunds
  • Investment tax credits
  • Minimal congestion
  • Speed to markets
  • Centrally located

  1. Top 10

    America's Top States for Business

    CNBC Special Report, 2011

  2. 3rd

    Best Pro-Business Legal Climate

    U.S. Chamber's Institute for Legal Reform, 2010

  3. 3rd

    Best States for Jobs

    MSN &, 2011

  4. 5th

    Best Pro-Business State

    Pollina Corporate Real Estate, 2011

  5. 8th

    Best States for Business & Careers, 2011

Talent & Innovation Initiative (TI2)

One of the most important accomplishments of the 2011 legislative session was the passage of several bills focused on creating new momentum for developing and attracting businesses rooted in technology and innovation—Talent and Innovation Initiative. The Nebraska Department of Economic Development is in the early stages of implementation of the initiative and additional information on each program can be found here as it becomes available.

