United States Diplomacy Center

Ways of Giving

The U.S. Diplomacy Center at the U.S. Department of State is tax exempt under Section 25 of the Department of State Basic Authorities Act of 1956 (22 USC 2697), the Ethics Reform Act (31 USC 1353), 41 CFR Sections 301 and 304, and 5 USC Section 4111.

The Center’s partner, the Foreign Affairs Museum Council (FAMC), is also a not-for-profit 501 (c) (3) organization. All gifts to either the Department of State for the U.S. Diplomacy Center or to the FAMC for the U.S. Diplomacy Center’s capital campaign are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law. Gifts of cash or pledges of cash are desirable to help to achieve the goals of the campaign. The U.S. Diplomacy Center offers a three-year schedule for contributions to the campaign, depending on the level of the gift.

In lieu of cash contributions, donors may contribute to the U.S. Diplomacy Center in many other ways, each offering tax advantages attractive to individual financial planning. The Center is prepared to help to structure a gift plan to enable donors to realize the maximum benefit for their philanthropic commitment.

Gifts of Appreciated SecuritiesSignificant gifts are frequently paid with long-term capital-gain securities; appreciated assets can often provide donors with attractive income-tax benefits, enabling them to leverage their gifts.

Deferred or Planned GivingCertain forms of deferred or planned giving, including charitable remainder trusts, are attractive ways to reduce gift-tax costs and obtain naming opportunities. Bequests and insurance-policy beneficiary designation will also help build the Center’s endowment.

Gifts of Real Estate—Donors may make gifts of real estate, including fractional portions of properties.

Tangible Personal PropertyFine-art objects, antique furnishings, rare books, and other items can offer donors an immediate tax deduction; valuation for income-tax purposes will require an independent appraisal.

Matching GiftsDonors who serve on a corporate board of directors or work for a company with a matching-gifts program have an opportunity to augment their gifts in significant ways. They should contact the company’s matching-gift office to learn more about the program and its requirements.


Checks to the Center should be made payable to the “U.S. Department of State” or “Foreign Affairs Museum Council” or “FAMC,” with an indication in the memo line “for U.S. Diplomacy Center” and sent to the following address:

U.S. Diplomacy Center
2100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 535
Washington, DC 20037

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