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HUD   >   State Information   >   Puerto Rico
HUD In Puerto Rico Virgin Islands
[Maricao is a 12-unit apartment building for families of low and moderate income, completed with a HUD investment of $1.4 million from the Neighborhood Stabilization Program]
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HUD investment of $1.4 million from the Neighborhood Stabilization Program

HUD grantees make these projects happen
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["We Put  People First."]
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HUD Southeast Region IV Improves Customer Service
Customers throughout Region IV Now Served by New Web Pages Providing Frequently Requested Information and Phone Numbers.
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[(Left to right): Dan Rogers III, HUD Director Atlanta Homeownership  Center,  Aaron Kabaker, U.S. Treasury, Eka Akpakip, HUD Program Analyst and Lisa Danzig, HUD Director, of the Office of Strategic Planning & Management, Debra Robinson, Deputy Director Atlanta Homeownership Center and  Ed Jennings, Jr., HUD Region IV and Region IV Regional Administrator]
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HUD Region IV Sponsors Southeast Regional Forum on Foreclosure Prevention/Hardest Hit Fund

HUD, Treasury, Housing Finance and Housing Counseling agencies and Servicers Share Best Practices
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[From left to right: Father Feliciano from Immaculate Conception church; Efraín Maldonado, HUD Puerto Rico Field Office Director; Isolina Miranda, Executive Director of Hogar Rayos de Esperanza; Ana M. Castro, coordinator of Hogar Rayos de Esperanza; Alfredo Alejandro, Mayor of Juncos; Rosario Rodriguez, resident; Hector Mayor, Administrator of Retiro; Jose Rivera, Executive Director of Housing and Human Development Trust, and Julio Chevres from USDA Rural Development.]
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In Juncos, Puerto Rico, a new beginning for homeless men
A new transitional housing development for men also offers services to help them regain independent living
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Open Government Initiative

Learn more about HUD's Open Government Initiative

HUD Implementation of the Recovery Act

Learn more about HUD's Implementation of the Recovery Act

Making Home Affordable

[Logo: Making Home Affordable]

Learn more about Making Home Affordable
Innovation of the Day

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Innovation of the Day