• Carl Sandburg Home Spring

    Carl Sandburg Home

    National Historic Site North Carolina

Be A Junior Ranger

Junior Ranger: Explore, Learn, Protect


Junior Ranger: Explore, Learn, Protect

Visit Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site and become a Junior Ranger!
Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site has an official Junior Ranger Program thanks to the generous support of the National Park Foundation, its corporate sponsor Unilever, the Friends of Carl Sandburg at
Connemara and the Community Foundation of Henderson County North Carolina.

Visit the park and pick up your own Junior Ranger booklet for free; complete the activities appropriate for your age using the information found in the booklet and at the park. Once completed, bring it to a ranger to be checked and WHAMO you have earned yourself a badge and the honor of being a Junior Ranger who vows to learn about and protect National Parks throughout our country.

If you cannot visit Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site, do not dispair! Simply download an English (850kb) Junior Ranger booklet or a Spanish (912kb) language booklet; use the museum web exhibit to find information needed to complete the activities, then mail the booklet to the park for a ranger to check. We will mail the booklet back to you with your badge.

The National Park Service has more virtual Junior Ranger opportunities. Visit the site www.nps.gov/webrangers and learn about the facinating work of rangers and the diversity of sites within the service. Complete all the activities and you can become a Web-Ranger!

Did You Know?

Carl Sandburg's home in the mid-summer

Carl Sandburg was not the only notable American to live in this stately home. German born Christopher Memminger(1803-1888), Secretary of the Treasury for the Confederate Army from 1861-1864, had this home built in 1838 to escape malaria ridden Charleston, SC summers and 1860's war-torn Charleston.