• Manassas National Battlefield Park


    National Battlefield Park Virginia

Be A Junior Ranger

Jr Ranger 285

NPS Photo

Be a Manassas National Battlefield Park Junior Ranger!

For younger visitors to the park; between 3 and 12 years of age, an age-appropriate Junior Ranger activity booklet is available at the information desk inside the Henry Hill Visitor Center.

Budget one to two hours of time to complete the booklet during your visit to the park.

Upon successful completion of the booklet, you will be enrolled as a "Junior Ranger" of Manassas National Battlefield Park and you will be rewarded with a patch or a badge for your efforts. 

Be sure to ask about the Junior Ranger program at any National Park site you have the chance to visit.

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

Capt. James Ricketts was wounded and captured while commanding a Union battery at First Manassas. His wife Fannie found him at a field hospital, and accompanied her husband to a Richmond prison to nurse him back to health. Ricketts survived and ended the war a Major General.