Welcome to the American Logistics Association!

The ALA is a modern, best practice trade association that has become industry’s "First Call" when dealing with the complex issues of navigating the military marketplace. The military channel comprised of military Commissaries (grocery stores), Exchanges (convenience stores, department stores, food concessions, gas stations, communications and electronics, wine, beer and spirits, ship’s stores, tactical retail outlets), Morale, Welfare and Recreation sales and services (restaurants, child care, fitness centers, libraries, auto service), Veteran’s Canteen Service (retail outlets in VA Hospitals and offices), constitutes a business environment with close to $20 Billion in annual sales. This marketplace is worldwide, world class and world of opportunity. Doing business with the government is at times a daunting task. Our staff of experts translate difficulty into opportunity for our association membership. We host a series of networking opportunities during the course of the year that allows our members to meet and network with the leadership of these diverse organizations. We also provide advice, research and operational information that is critical to driving successful business opportunities. There is no company too large or too small; there is no opportunity we will not explore. Membership is easy and the results will be a solid return on your investment. For more information about your opportunity contact ALA, we look forward to the opportunity to serve you.

Why Join?


Whether you are considering membership for the first time, are a current member faced with the option of renewal, or a lapsed member thinking about "coming home," membership in ALA is a worthwhile investment.

Breaking News

The Newsroom

Members rank our weekly electronic newsletter as one of the top benefits of membership. Stay on top if this dynamic business channel with the latest news, trends, research, and developments. Available every Friday you can begin your Monday morning in the know from any computer in the world.

Hawaii News Now Interviews Pat Nixon
Hawaii News Now, a local Honolulu TV station and online news media, interviewed Pat Nixon about the American Logistics Association and our 2012 Hawaii Conference.

ALA Announces New Website
ALA Joining Forces


 2012 Worldwide Directory



American Logistics Association
1133 Fifteenth Street, Suite 640 Washington, DC · 20005
Phone: (202) 466-2520
Fax: (202) 296-4419
email: membership@ala-national.org