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  1. 1
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    To the Brink: JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis

    by usnationalarchives 1,596 views

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    Titanic at the National Archives

    by usnationalarchives 4,291 views

  4. 4
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    DC Emancipation Act

    by usnationalarchives 1,823 views

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    The March on Washington in Photographs

    by usnationalarchives 6,260 views

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    Madam C.J. Walker in the National Archives

    by usnationalarchives 5,673 views

  7. 7
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    Thumbnail Hear the stories of those in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

    Pearl Harbor Deck Logs and Witnesses

    by usnationalarchives 2,925 views

  8. 8
    Thumbnail 4:42
    Thumbnail Tour the Archives' Arctic Collection, see the patent for the Eskimo pie,...
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    Thumbnail Find out what happens when a diplomat parachutes into the Burmese mounta...

    "Headhunters" and Diplomat John Paton Davies

    by usnationalarchives 1,570 views

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    John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address

    by usnationalarchives 5,359 views

  11. 12
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    Thumbnail Learn about preservation and George Washington!
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    Thumbnail See forensic analysis at work in this examination of Haldeman's notes an...
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    Magna Carta Conservation Treatment

    by usnationalarchives 4,952 views

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    Magna Carta Encasement

    by usnationalarchives 4,457 views

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    Conservation Lab at the National Archives

    by usnationalarchives 4,260 views

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    Thumbnail Learn more about the Attachments exhibit at the National Archives, on di...

    Attachments Exhibit at the National Archives

    by usnationalarchives 1,068 views

  21. 26
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    The Bill of Rights and the First Federal Congress

    by usnationalarchives 1,908 views

  22. 27
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    Thumbnail Learn all about the U.S. Constitution at the National Archives.

    The U.S. Constitution at the National Archives

    by usnationalarchives 8,580 views

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    Nuremberg Laws at the National Archives

    by usnationalarchives 7,842 views

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    The First Round-the-World Flight

    by usnationalarchives 1,274 views

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    Thumbnail Learn about Roosevelt and Grace Tully's relationship and some of the mos...

    FDR and the Grace Tully Archive

    by usnationalarchives 3,185 views

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    Declaration of Independence

    by usnationalarchives 18,850 views

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    Electoral College and the National Archives

    by usnationalarchives 4,377 views

Inside the Vaults includes highlights from the National Archives in the Washington, DC, area and from the Presidential libraries and regional archives nationwide. These shorts present behind-the-scenes exclusives and offer surprising stories about the National Archives treasures. See more from Inside the Vaults at

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