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GOP senators effectively kill UN sea takeover »
With 34 Republican senators now opposing a United Nations effort to regulate international waters, the Law of the Sea treaty effectively has no way forward in the U.S. Senate. Republican Sens. Kell...
Inside of Bohemian Grove 2012 »
It's the secretive meeting that the world's elites don't want you to know about - some of the world's richest and brightest are descending on Bohemian Grove ...
I'd rather see 300 babies die of pneumonia than one rich person (um, I mean job creator) have to pay $1 more in taxes. #prolife #gop
Facts don't support Obama's charges against Romney - »
David Gergen says that so far, the president's campaign hasn't made the case that Mitt Romney lied about the end of his time at Bain

From the web
A more apt comparison might be the GOP's budget efforts of 1995, when it took the party until ... That would put lots of leverage in the hands of Senate GOP moderates like Susan Collins of ..... TheDailyEdge #GOP introduces plan to repeal #Obamacare and replace it with 30 million ...
Daily News @ http://RevolutionNews.US — President Obama Considering New Sanctions Against Syria: In the wake of the violent crackdown on protestors in Syria, President Obama is considering imposing new sanctions on Syrian leaders, including a travel ban and asset freeze, senior White House officials said today. White House press secretary Jay Carney today said "we continue to look for ways and are pursuing a range of possible policy options, including targeted sanctions, to respond to the crackdown in Syria and to make clear that this behavior is unacceptable." On Friday, President Obama issued a statement condemning "in the strongest possible terms the use of force by the Syrian government against demonstrators. This outrageous use of violence to quell protests must come to an end now...We strongly oppose the Syrian government's treatment of its citizens and we continue to oppose its continued destabilizing behavior more generally, including support for terrorism and terrorist groups." The US already has imposed sanctions against Syria, including the Syria Accountability Act of 2004 which bans the export to Syria of most goods containing more than 10% U.S.-manufactured component parts. The USA Patriot Act in 2006 included a specific sanction against the Commercial Bank of Syria. In addition, previous Executive Orders from the President have also denied certain Syrians and Syrian organizations access to the US financial system because of their involvement in corruption, destabilizing activities in Iraq and Lebanon, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, or association with al Qaeda, the Taliban or Osama bin Laden. ABC News: Video: Freedom Watch 4/25/11 with Judge Napolitano and Guest Michael Scheuer -- "Leave no authority existing not responsible to the people." —Thomas Jefferson Time For A New American Revolution? Daily News @ http://RevolutionNews.US Follow us on Twitter: Facebook: Main Channel: Backup: Other:

Kelly Fajardo

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RT @claydsutton: +***** with #GOP volunteers making calls in Albuquerque. #NMSEN #ObamaIsntWorking
Welcome to California: America without Republicans | »
I believe that if we're successful in this election, President Obama told campaign donors in Minnesota last month, that the fever may break, because there's a tradition in the Republican Party of more...
The #GOP is using Obamacare, which States can Nullify, to further it's own interests. NO #ROMNEY required. #RONPAUL #TCOT #GOP #FRAUD
DNC Chair Doubles Down on 'Felony' Charge Against Romney »
What Stephanie [Cutter] said, rightfully so, is that either Mitt Romney was lying on SEC forms and misrepresenting to his investors -- which could be a felony -- that he was the sole owner, president,...
President Obama Is Wrong about Businessmen »
Last Friday, President Obama revisited Elizabeth Warren's reasoning for higher taxes on the wealthy. Like Warren, the President stated that: If you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your ow...
Firefighters forced to remove American flags from trucks - WFTX-TV Fort Myers/Naples, FL »
One Florida city is upset after their fire fighters were forced to remove American flags off their trucks because of two complaints.
Well, why SHOULDN’T dead pets be allowed to vote (Democrat)? »
Every time somebody proves how easy it is in some states to commit voter fraud -- pause while the libs all fall to their knees and scream to the skies:
Congrats to Senator Collins for casting 5,000 consecutive votes. Thank you for being committed to performing your job well! You are demonstrating what is involved in doing your civic duty. #GOP #Congress #senatorcollins #stateoftheunion #politics 

From the web
Erin Mershon, Greg Rosalsky, Cole Stangler, Nate Willis and Jeffrey Young contributed reporting. WASHINGTON -- Congressional Republicans may not have been happy about the Supreme Court's ruling upholding the Affordable Care Act, but many of their children probably are.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Cannot Name a Reason for Jews to Back Obama Except Abortion »
In an interview with Jewish Life Television (JLTV), Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz failed to provide a single reason for Jewish voters to support President Barack Obama o...
I Hope they don't, if they have any self respect.
#palin #GOP  
Sarah Palin still waiting for her Republican National Convention invite »
Sarah Palin has not yet received an invitation to speak at or attend the Republican National Convention this August in Tampa, Newsweek reported.

Rob Nom

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Call your senators to vote DOWN and AGAINST the S. 3369 – “DISCLOSE” Act of 2012. Protect Free Speech #tcot #GOP #Dems #lp
They really DO hate us that much!

( Hashtags: #taxincrease   #taxpunishment   #democrats   #recession   #doublediprecession   #taxmageddon   #bushtaxcuts   #obama2012   #tcot   #teaparty   #gop  )
Democrats threaten to go over ‘fiscal cliff’ if GOP fails to raise taxes »
Senior Democrats say they are prepared to weather a fiscal event that could plunge the nation back into recession if the new year arrives without an acceptable compromise on taxes.

Rob Nom

 -  Public
The "DISCLOSE" Act is back! | Campaign for Liberty »
I knew when you and I defeated the so-called “DISCLOSE” Act in 2010, it wouldn't be the last we'd hear about this dangerous bill. Well, later today, a new version of “DISCLOSE” will head to the Senate...
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