The United States is one of over 115 states party to the 1970 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property ("the Convention") (PDF). The Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act ("the Act") (PDF) empowers the Department of State to consider requests from governments party to the Convention to impose import restrictions on archaeological or ethnological material.

Process and Purpose

Learn more about the purpose of the International Cultural Property Protection initiative and the process for establishing import restrictions on artifacts.

Stone Buddha with Naga, Baphuon style, Cambodia
January 8, 2013
Take this opportunity to provide information to the Cultural Property Advisory Committee as it considers a proposed extension of the Cambodian MOU
January 7, 2013
Notice of a Proposal to Extend the MOU between the U.S. and Cambodia
January 7, 2013
Notice of a Meeting of the Cultural Property Advisory Committee, with open and closed sessions, on February 27 & 28, and March 1, 2013


Contact Us


Telephone: 202-632-6301

Fax: 202-632-6300

Bilateral Agreements

Learn more about the agreements countries have signed with the U.S. to protect cultural artifacts.

Have cultural property agreements to preserve their heritage