
Exchange Programs

For non-U.S. Participants

Distinguished Fulbright Awards in Teaching
Select primary and secondary school international teachers come to the United States for a semester. Participants pursue individual projects, conduct research, take courses for professional development and lead master classes or seminars for teachers and students.
Educational Seminars
International teachers and administrators learn about the U.S. education system and compare educational practices and approaches.
E-Teacher Scholarship Program
International English teaching professionals take one of seven online graduate level classes.
Fulbright Classroom Teacher Exchange Program
Primary and secondary teachers exchange positions with colleagues in the United States for a semester or academic year.
Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) Program
Provides opportunities for young English teachers from overseas to refine their teaching skills and broaden their knowledge of American culture while strengthening the instruction of foreign languages at colleges and universities in the United States.
International Leaders in Education Program (ILEP)
International teachers come to the United States for one semester to learn about the latest advancements in educational methodology and policy. 
Junior Faculty Development Program
Fellowships are provided to university instructors in the early stages of their careers.
Study of the United States Institutes for Secondary Educators
Secondary school teachers, curriculum development specialists, teacher trainers, and other secondary education professionals attend a six week academic program to gain a deeper understanding of U.S. society, education, and culture, past and present.
Teachers of Critical Languages Program
Teachers from China and Egypt may apply to teach Mandarin and Arabic at U.S. elementary and secondary schools for an academic year.
Teaching Excellence and Achievement (TEA) Program
International secondary school teachers participate in a six-week professional development program.

For U.S. Participants

Distinguished Fulbright Awards in Teaching
Select primary and secondary school teachers participate in programs abroad for three to six months. Teachers pursue individual projects, conduct research, take courses for professional development and lead master classes or seminars for teachers and students.
Educational Seminars

U.S. teachers and administrators learn about international education systems and compare educational practices and approaches.

English Language Fellow Program
Highly qualified U.S. educators in the field of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) on ten-month fellowships to academic institutions worldwide.
English Language Specialist Program
U.S. academics and professionals in the fields of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) for short-term (two to sixteen weeks) assignments abroad.
Fulbright Classroom Teacher Exchange Program
Primary and secondary teachers exchange positions with colleagues in other countries for a semester or academic year.
Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship (ETA) Program
Places recent college graduates and young professionals as English teaching assistants in primary and secondary schools or universities overseas.
Intensive Summer Language Institutes in China and Egypt
Six-week summer programs that provide U.S. K-12 and community college instructors of Chinese (Mandarin) and Arabic the opportunity to study abroad.
Teachers of Critical Languages Program

U.S. elementary or secondary schools or districts may apply to host a Chinese or Arabic teacher, subject to the program eligibility requirements.

Teachers for Global Classrooms Program
U.S. teachers participate in an online course followed by a two to three week exchange experience in one of the following countries: Brazil, Ghana, India,  Indonesia, Morocco or  Ukraine.