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Global Youth @State

Global Youth @State
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  • Government Organization
    Welcome to the Facebook page of the U.S. Department of State's Office of Global Youth Issues. The Office is led by Secretary Clinton’s Special Adviser on Global Youth Issues, Zeenat Rahman.
  1. Recent Posts by Others on Global Youth @StateSee All
    • Jona Melgar
      Calauag Central College Calauag, Quezon SY: 2012-2013 QUESTIONNAIRE How Do Filipino Youth Differ from the Youth of Other Countries? Name: Gender: Age: Civil Status: Direction: Check (√) the option that applies to you. 1. Are you a Filipino youth or a foreign youth? Filipino Foreigner 2. From what country do you belong? Philippines Australia U.S.A. Singapore Others, please specify 3. Are you proud of your Citizenship? Yes No 4. What characteristics do Filipino youth have? They respect those that are older than them They usually say “po” and “opo” They always depend on their parents The young Filipinos are less matured 5. Defend/Explain your answer above. 6. What are the common characteristics of youth from the other countries? The young Americans are liberated The Singaporean youth are already independent The Australian youth are loud Others, please specify 7. Defend/Explain your answer above. 8. Your attitude represents your country and reflects the country where you belong? How does it affect on the personality of every youth? 9. What are the good traits of the youth from other countries that you think Filipino youth should have? 10. Give one characteristic of youth that is not good for you as a Filipino youth? Explain.
      1 · 3 hours ago
    • Moses Akwiri Okoth
       Help this Library in the little town next to where President Barack Obama's father came from get funding we need all the votes possible..Thanks!
      Tuesday at 7:30am
    • Rolandas Medelis
       Do you - helping others
      Tuesday at 12:40am
      October 6 at 11:40pm
  2. Here are more pictures from Special Adviser Zeenat Rahman's trip to El Salvador! She joined Ambassador Mari Carmen Aponte for a meeting with members of the Youth Ambassadors Program, UGrad student leaders, and other civil society representatives.
    La Asesora Especial de la Secretaria Clinton en temas de juventud Global y Directora de la Oficina de Asuntos Globales de la Juventud, Zeenat Rahman, junto a la Embajadora de Estados Unidos, Mari Carmen Aponte
    Photo: La Asesora Especial de la Secretaria Clinton en temas de juventud Global y Directora de la Oficina de Asuntos Globales de la Juventud, Zeenat Rahman, junto a la Embajadora de Estados Unidos, Mari Carmen Aponte
    Photo: La Agregada Cultural Stacy Session, da la bienvenida a los jóvenes que participaron de la charla con la Secretaria Rahman. (Fotografía Juan Quintero/ Embajada de los Estados Unidos/ Oficina de Asuntos Públicos).
    Photo: Zeenat Rahman sirve como asesora especial de la secretaria Clinton en temas de juventud Global y es Directora de la Oficina de Asuntos de la Juventud Mundial (J / GYI). Como tal, trabaja para coordinar y mejorar los esfuerzos de la Secretaría de Estado para capacitar, contratar y elevar las cuestiones relativas a juventud. Anteriormente se desempeñó como Director Adjunto del Centro de Iniciativas Religiosas y Vecinales de USAID.
    Photo: Ex alumnos de los programas Jóvenes Embajadores, UGRAD, Lideres Estudiantiles y otros representantes de la sociedad civil participaron en esta conversación sobre el tema de la juventud
  3. Submit your applications now!! The 5th Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations will take place in Vienna, Austria, from February 26 to 28, 2013. Up to 150 youth (between 18 and 35 years old) from diverse cultural and religiou...
    s backgrounds with outstanding track records in intercultural dialogue and youth work will be selected as participants. The deadline is November 1st, 2012. Send your application to
    See More
  4. Here are some photos from the launch of the Youth Livelihoods Alliance that took place on October 2, 2012 — at U.S. Department of State.
    Photo: Special Adviser Zeenat Rahman opening the launch of the Youth Livelihoods Alliance
    Photo: Special Adviser for Global Youth Issues Zeenat Rahman
    Photo: Under Secretary Maria Otero delivered the keynote for the event
    Photo: Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights Maria Otero
  5. Are you a girl looking for opportunities to meet like minded social entrepreneurs? Check out Girltank, an international community that helps young women become change makers! What will your idea be?
  6. "With young people now making up over half the world's population, we have a real opportunity to help them realize their aspirations and help to turn the youth bulge into a youth dividend." Learn more about the Youth Livelihoods Alliance and its importance in Special Adviser Zeenat Rahman's latest blog post!
  7. Concerned about youth unemployment? To help young people compete for 21st century jobs, the U.S. Department of State is joining forces with private sector and civil society partners to address this challenge. Today, together with the Inte...
    rnational Youth Foundation, the Department of State will launch the “Youth Livelihoods Alliance” with three core commitments: promoting youth hiring, developing their skills, and creating jobs through entrepreneurship.
    See More
  8. Don't miss this report on youth employment done by Microsoft and the International Youth Foundation, our partners in the "Youth Livelihoods Alliance"
  9. This World Bank website is trying to find solutions to reduce poverty, increase employment opportunities, and more. Find out more about about what the Department of State is doing on these fronts when we launch the Youth Livelihoods Alliance with the International Youth Foundation tomorrow!
    Youthink! is the World Bank's website for youth. It is available in English, Spanish and French, and aimed at the 1.5 billion young people living in the world today. You are the present. You are inheriting the future. The world needs your input, your ideas and your involvement to: * Reduce poverty...
    Page: 9,243 like this
  10. Learn more about what this network of young World Bank Group (WBG) employees are doing to engage, inspire, and empower youth in development.
    The Youth to Youth (Y2Y) Community is a network of young World Bank Group (WBG) employees aiming to channel fresh ideas and perspectives into WBG operations and to engage, inspire, and empower youth in development.
    Page: 2,718 like this
  11. Youth employment continues to be a top concern. Learn more about the current outlook in this September 2012 ILO Report. This is the reason International Youth Foundation and the Department of State will launch the “Youth Livelihoods Alliance” tomorrow.
  12. Don't miss Special Adviser Zeenat Rahman's interview with the Center for American Progress! She speaks about young Muslim leaders standing against intolerance, the Secretary’s work with youth throughout the Middle East, and why building engaging partnerships in this young region is not only strategic but necessary for strengthening our own social fabric and the message of empowerment worldwide.
  13. Special Adviser Rahman meeting with Brooke Loughrin, US Youth Observer to the United Nations General Assembly, and other young leaders!
    Photo: Special Adviser Rahman meeting with Brooke Loughrin, US Youth Observer to the United Nations General Assembly, and other young leaders!

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