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Frequent Delivery System


Pricing 997 - Functional Acknowledgement
Product Identification Receiving
Ordering/Processing Discrepancies
875 - Grocery Products Purchase Order Transaction Set Manual VCM Process
856 - Ship Notice/Manifest Automated VCM Process
812 - Credit/Debit Adjustment Transaction Set Roll Up Reconciliation
867 - Product Transfer & Resale Report Other Considerations


Manufacturers, or brokers, as appropriate, are responsible for quoting prices to the Marketing Business Unit (MBU), DeCA in accordance with DeCA policy. The distributor is not required to maintain pricing on commissary FDS items.

Product Identification

Product identification and electronic data transmission of items will be by case Universal Product Code (UPC) only. Item UPC will not be included in electronic communications. Case UPC and case pack discrepancies between Region and the Distributor will be resolved as soon as possible to preclude store not-in-stock (NIS) conditions. Points-of-contact (POC's) for resolving discrepancies are DeCA MBU, Distributor Coordinator Unit, (DCU) and/or Region Operations personnel.


Only those products from manufacturers who have authorized the Distributor as their official representative will be ordered or shipped. Distributors will carry all products authorized on the Region SL designated for the geographical area. New items to be ordered must be expeditiously coordinated with the Distributor by appropriate vendors, brokers, or manufacturer representatives, as authorized by DeCA prior to ordering, in accordance with DeCA merchandising policies.

Information will be made available weekly via e-mail to the Distributor regarding items to be deleted from the, Catalog Master File (CMF) 60 days prior to deletion. Items will remain active on the FDS system, 60 days after delete determination by buyers to allow Distributor ample time to move remaining inventory.

Orders, Shipment Files, Reports of Discrepancy, and the DeCA Roll Up files will be transmitted electronically using Uniform Communication Standard (UCS) EDI transaction sets. Distributor agrees to implement each of the following EDI transaction sets in the DIBS-FDS procedures:

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875 - Grocery Products Purchase Order Transaction Set

Region commissaries will transmit an electronic DIBS FDS order using the 875 transaction set from DeCA Region to the Distributor or designated Value Added Network(VAN) via modem. Order transmission times for each commissary will be as agreed to by both the distributor and commissary, and will be included in an electronic scheduler maintained on the DIBS FDS System. Each order transmitted will be identified by a unique Purchase Order Number commonly referred to as the "Pull Number". Other elements transmitted are Case UPC (CUPC), Unit Pack (UPK), PIIN applicable at the time of order transmission, and quantity ordered for each item.

Distributor will not ship any item that does not exactly match their electronic file by CUPC and UPK; and will not include these items on the 856 Ship Notice/Manifest.

Distributor will ship items that do not match the PIIN since this is informational at the time of order, and will be synchronized with the Distributor prior to final roll up of receipts.

Distributors will provide the DCU their item rejection list each Monday via e-mail, for the previous weeks business.

856 - Ship Notice/Manifest

The 856 Transaction Set. The Distributor will return an 856 Ship Notice/Manifest for each order transmitted within 12 hours of physical arrival of the merchandise at the DeCA commissary. The Ship Notice/Manifest will identify the status of each item ordered. Each item on the FDS orders are "fill or kill". Distributor will not substitute. The 856 Ship Notice/Manifest returned to DeCA will indicate one of the following responses for each CUPC on the order:

Item CUPC on the 875 that do not match the distributors file, and unmatched case pack quantity will be dropped from the order by distributors, and will not be included in the 856 response to DeCA.

DeCA and Distributor will print a Shipment File/Exception Report based on the information from (3) above to use as a research aid in correcting file mismatches. The Accounts Control Section (ACS) will immediately fax a copy of the DIBS FDS "Auto Vendor Ship Report to each applicable distributor for their use in correcting the problem.

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812 - Credit/Debit Adjustment Transaction Set

DeCA will transmit an 812 transaction set to the Distributor of each Pull Number when the Ship Notice has been returned and the commissary has entered the case quantities received. The 812 transaction set will report the difference in case quantity between the total cases transmitted on the 856 Ship Notice/Manifest and the number of cases physically received at the commissary.

867 - Product Transfer & Resale Report

997 - Functional Acknowledgment

The 997 Functional Acknowledgment transaction set is required for all electronic data interchange received from DeCA. This transaction set provides a positive indication that all transactions transmitted were received or if errors exist, identifies the existence of an error. The functional acknowledgment does not imply acceptance of the contents of the associated transaction set.

The 867 Product Transfer and Resale Report Transaction Set. DeCA will transmit the 867 to the Distributor at the end of each Roll Up period. The "BPT Segment, Data Element 353" of the 867 Transaction Set contains the following codes that identify the various transmission types used by DIBS-FDS:

CODE-00 Denotes Original Pre-rollup in summary form, i.e. DODAAC, PIIN, Total Cases.

Denotes Final Rollup in summary form, i.e. DODAAC, PIIN, Total Cases.

Denotes Detail Pre-rollup information, i.e DODAAC, PIIN, Case UPC, Number Cases.

Distributor agrees to compare this electronic Pre-Roll to their own end-of-period Roll Up and report any differences by PIIN Number to the DeCA Accounts Control Section (ACS); the DeCA ACS will transmit details of the PIIN concerned via the 867; Distributor agrees to forward a Roll Up correction to the manufacturers if their Roll Up was previously forwarded. After all corrections have been made, the Distributor will receive an automatic final Roll Up via an 867 transaction set. This final Roll Up will represent final proof of delivery (POD) for DeCA and the distributors.

Distributor agrees to implement the 867 transaction set Product Transfer & Resale Report (Roll Up), for transmission of weekly or bi-weekly product movement data to those manufacturers who require electronic data transmission.

The DIBS FDS system will provide a four (4) digit Call Number in the EDI 875 for each order in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulations and DeCA Bill Paying Regulations. The Call Number provided will be based on the required delivery date (RDD).

There will be two Call Numbers per month for contracts rolling up bi-weekly. The Call Numbers will be in effect the first (1st) through the fifteenth (15th) and the sixteenth (16th) through the end of the month (EOM).

Contracts rolling up weekly will have four Call Numbers per month. The four Call Numbers will be in effect the first (1st) through the seventh (7th); eighth (8th) through the fifteenth (15th); sixteenth (16th) through the twenty third (23rd); and the twenty fourth (24th) through the end of the month.

The Distributor may affix picking labels to cases of product shipped, but "label credits", "scratches", or "outs" will not be used for adjustment of Roll Ups. The 856 Ship Notice/Manifest will be used as the official record of quantity shipped, for calculation of discrepancies, and computing the total number of cases to be included in the end of period Roll Up, and creating the financial transaction to pay the bill.

The Distributor will provide the following services and documentation:

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All FDS deliveries by the distributor will be handled expeditiously. Authorized commissary receivers will receive deliveries by pallet count. Deviations from the count indicated on the Pallet Load List will be annotated. After the pallets have been received and signed for, the driver may leave.

If the Distributor elects, the driver may remain for the total case count. No pallets or cases will be removed from the receiving area until both the commissary in-checker and Distributor's driver agree on the total cases received. Commissary receiving personnel may sign the Pallet Load List, or a similar summary document provided by the Distributor, indicating the total number of cases received. Commissary receiving personnel will not sign the Distributor Manifest, or other detailed line item listing, since the official record of line items shipped is the 856 Ship Notice/Manifest.

Distributor will not provide a count of total cases on the delivery or a count of cases by pallet.

Authorized commissary in-checkers will receive the shipment by 100% blind case count. Commissary management will ensure that commissary in-checkers are not allowed access to the DIBS-FDS receiving report while counting the case quantity on each pallet.

The total number of cases counted will be entered on the DIBS-FDS Pull Listing generated upon return of the 856 Ship Notice/Manifest. Receivers will sign and date this document as the official written record of number of cases received.

A count of the shipment will be performed until the total case count is agreed to by the distributor and receiver when the first count deviates from the expected number of cases.


Distributors will strive to correct discrepancies on their stockage files so the applicable item can be pulled on the next order day by a store.

Distributor agrees to participate in the DeCA Vendor Credit Memorandum - Credit Card program (VCM-CC). This program provides an efficient means of clearing charges for reports of discrepancies. Explanation of the program and application may be made by contacting the Manager, Accounting and Reconciliation Business Unit (ARBU) at (804) 734-9806.

Identifiable miss-picks, damaged cases, pallet modules and shippers will be credited at actual case cost and held at the store for shipment back to the distributor on the next delivery. The distributor must be notified within 48 hours of delivery, exclusive of weekends and holidays. Miss-picks which are authorized commissary items may be retained, at the discretion of the commissary. If the Region and Distributor agree the store may be reimbursed for only those units in a case that are actually damaged.

Overages and shortages will be credited at average case cost, except for pallet modules and shippers as noted above.

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Manual VCM Process

Discrepancies in case count and/or actual items received versus 856 Ship Notice/Manifest data will be entered into the DIBS FDS system and transmitted to the Distributor via an 812 Credit/Debit Adjustment (an electronic Report of Discrepancy - the ROD).

Discrepancies involving unidentified items will be based on the average case cost (total dollar value of products shipped, divided by the total number of cases shipped) of the particular shipment.

Discrepancies involving identified items will be reported by CUPC in the 812 transaction set on the basis of actual value of items identified.

The ROD for average case cost items will be transmitted with the Case UPC field filled with the number "5".

A "Null" ROD will be transmitted for orders with no discrepancies. ThisROD indicates to the distributor that the order was received, but that there were no discrepancies noted. This 812 transaction set is identified by ZZZZ in the Call Number field and all "7s" in the Case UPC field.

RODs transmitted in the 812 transaction set are "informational" reports. No financial transaction is created. These RODs will be reconciled between the Distributor and commissary daily by telephone.

At the end of each two week period, the RODs will be netted and the result written to a DeCA Form 70-10, Vendor Credit Memorandum (VCM). Each party will sign the document and it will be entered into DeCA's business system. When the net is a debit, the Distributor owes DeCA the amount of the VCM. When the net is a credit DeCA owes the Distributor, and the Distributor will submit an invoice to DFAS in the amount of the credit, except for DTI which will be paid automatically.

Automated VCM Process

When programming is complete an automated VCM process will become effective. DeCA will notify Distributors 60 days in advance of the availability of this automated process.

All provisions of the manual VCM Process will apply except (7.), and the following additional provisions will become effective.

Distributor will have 7 calendar days from receipt of the 812 in which to review/research the contents of each 812 transaction set (ROD). If more time is required for review/research, an additional 10 calendar days may be allowed for resolution.

Uncontested RODs, and RODs reaching their 10 additional day maturity, will be rolled up into one consolidated VCM every two weeks. This consolidated VCM will be transmitted in an additional 812 transaction set and credited, or charged, to the distributor.

The 812 transaction set per individual delivery (the informational ROD) is distinguished from the bi-weekly 812 transaction set VCM by the Document Identifier Code (DIC) appearing on the N9 Segment. An ROD for an individual receipt will be designated "ROD" in the N9 Segment, Element 03, Free Form Description. "VCM" will appear in the same fields for the bi-weekly ROD that creates a financial transaction for collection.

Consolidated RODs that result in a credit of $50.00 or less to DeCA will be written off and excluded from financial transaction processing. Consolidated RODs resulting in a credit of $50.00 or less to the Distributor may continue to be collected by submitting an invoice as in the manual VCM process.

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Roll Up Reconciliation

DeCA agrees to transmit the 867 transaction set to the Distributor within two work days after receipt of the last EDI 856 from the distributor.

Distributor agrees to report any differences between the DeCA Pre-Roll and its own end-of-period Roll Up data within two work days of receipt of the 867 transaction set. This reporting and reconciliation of differences will be accomplished by fax e-mail, or telephone and use of the DIBS-FDS 867 Detail Report.

DeCA will finalize its Roll Up within five work days.

If corrections are made by the ACS another Pre-Roll will be transmitted to the distributor immediately following the corrective action.

When the final Roll Up is executed, an electronic copy will be automatically transmitted to the distributors via an 867 transaction set. This final Roll Up file will constitute Proof of Delivery for both the distributor and DeCA. Signed hard copies will not be provided.


Commissary Officers will develop and provide to the Distributor a contingency order plan for use in the event of communication or system failure. The contingency order may be a duplication of a previous order, an average case order, a pre-positioned electronic order developed from historical data or any other order determined to be appropriate by the Commissary or Region.

Commissary Officers will assign a responsible management individual and an equivalent level alternate as the points of contact for day-to-day FDS operations.

Telephone:(804) 734-8000, extension 4-8250
FAX: (804) 734-8778
Postal address: 1300 E. Avenue, Fort Lee, VA 23801-1800
Electronic mail: General Information:
Customer Support: 1-800-FLY-ASCI
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