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oso polar nada entre el hielo - Polar bear ice

5 gostos 15 repins

Tortuga marina - Sea Turtle

41 gostos 124 repins

Swirling Storm, Nebraska photo via jackie

120 gostos 303 repins

Dioptase on Duftite and Calcite

2 gostos 2 repins

Artist’s impression of an impact of two planet-sized worlds (NASA/JPL-Caltech)

world's largest emerald (size of a watermelon)

8 gostos 12 repins

"The Subway" in Zion National Park, Utah

de panafoot

46 gostos 198 repins

Quartz with Amethist phantom ♥

2 gostos 2 repins

Fine terminated crystal of Indicolite Tourmaline

7 gostos 25 repins

Fluorite with Black Tourmaline

1 gosto 3 repins

Fluorite on black Tourmaline

6 gostos 22 repins

Bismuth crystal formation.

25 gostos 1 comentário 47 repins

Foto do perfil de Michela Messy

Michela Messy Natural Design!WoW!

Crinoid Fossil (star, victory stone)

5 gostos 19 repins

This is Hideaki Akaiwa. When the Tsunami hit his home town of Ishinomaki, Hideaki was at work. Realising his wife was trapped in their home, he ignored the advice of professionals, who told him to wait for the army to arrive to provide search and rescue. Instead he found some scuba gear, jumped in the raging torrent - dodging cars, houses and other debris being dragged around by the powerful current, any of which could have killed him instantly - and navigated the now submerged stree...

12 gostos 20 repins


13 gostos 3 comentários 30 repins

Foto do perfil de Pablo Pesquera

Pablo Pesquera Cutest spider in the world!

Foto do perfil de Ashley VonderMuehll

Ashley VonderMuehll I agree! I've never seen a spider look so adorable! Lol almost like its a cartoon... Spiders aren't supposed to look cute!

Foto do perfil de Pablo Pesquera

Pablo Pesquera I KNOW RIGHT?? I like spiders but i must say this is my new favorite!

Butterfly Eggs On Mistletoe

2 gostos 7 repins

Gorgeous cluster of hot-pink Cobaltian Calcite crystals on matrix

3 gostos 6 repins

Jewel Anemones / Tasmania, Australia

1 gosto 10 repins

Olfactory receptor neuron. The cilia are smell receptors.

3 gostos 17 repins

A section through human skin. The skin layers, from top to bottom, are the stratum corneum, composed of flattened, dead skin cells that form the surface of the skin. The dead cells from this layer are continuously being shed and replaced by cells from the living epidermal layer below (red). The lowest layer seen here is the dermis. In the middle, a sweat gland can be seen.

de zglows

3 gostos 22 repins


11 gostos 4 comentários 37 repins

Foto do perfil de Donna Alchin

Donna Alchin oh my that looks so funny

Foto do perfil de Nicki Bailey

Nicki Bailey

A goblin shark. Very few people in the world have ever known of an extremely rare species called the goblin shark. But some Japanese discovered the "living fossil" alive and even put it on display in an aquarium, media reports said Thursday. Unfortunately, the shark died on the morning of Jan. 27.

47 gostos 7 comentários 183 repins

Foto do perfil de Ralph Smith

Ralph Smith Nice, we find something beautiful remove it from its natural state then kill it.

Foto do perfil de Yvonne Kwok

Yvonne Kwok what's a pity, rare species are becoming less

Foto do perfil de Brenda Gossett

Brenda Gossett As a people we still have a lot to learn.

Todos os 7 comentários…

hydrangea skeleton

4 gostos 13 repins

Blue button jellyfish - Porpita porpita

43 gostos 142 repins

Red Cage Fungus / thought this was a piece by @Jessica Rosenkrantz

3 gostos 10 repins

The French naturalist and historian Leon Diguet realized six scientific expeditions in Mexico between 1893 and 1913... With a few prints in the world, this picture offers a spectacular example of a species of cacti: the Giant Cardon, about 8 meters high and about 10 tons.

1 gosto 7 repins

Fluorite with Rubyjack and Dolomite ~ Tennessee, USA

Smithsonite on Hemimorphite

1 gosto 4 repins

When the Lakota leader Sitting Bull was asked by a white reporter why his people loved and respected him, Sitting Bull replied by asking if it was not true that among white people a man is respected because he has many horses, many houses? When the reporter replied that was indeed true, Sitting Bull then said that his people respected him because he kept nothing for himself.” –Joseph Bruchac - Photograph: Orlando Scott Goff

5 repins

Abell 520 is a galaxy cluster about 2.4 billion light years away, and a mass of several trillion times our Sun’s — it’s made of galaxies, each with billions of stars in them. And a galaxy cluster is a collection of hundreds or even thousands of galaxies bound together by their gravity. In fact, Abell 520 is more than one cluster: it’s actually a collision between two or more clusters!

3 gostos 5 repins

Space storm ... do you feel the outer space in your inner space?

4 gostos 4 repins

Storm cells developing before sunset.

3 gostos 15 repins

Franklinite Franklin, New Jersey, United States

1 gosto 2 repins

Th Neuron. Sensory neurons from sensory receptors to central nervous system (spinal cord/brain) Motor neurons from central nervous system to muscles/glands.

10 gostos 29 repins

baby formation inside tummy. AWESOME

de leecyrose

21 gostos 4 comentários 44 repins

Foto do perfil de Lori Wikum

Lori Wikum amazing

Foto do perfil de Judith Salgado

Judith Salgado La maravilla de la vida

Foto do perfil de Paul Aldredge

Paul Aldredge Precious, Precious, Precious!

Foto do perfil de David nnacheta

David nnacheta beautifully graceful

The Dresden Green Diamond, is a 41 carat natural green diamond, a rare Type IIa. Said to be internally flawless, it is named after Dresden, the capital of Saxony, Germany, and is displayed today at Dresden Castle..

2 gostos 5 repins

Such drama! lightning

9 gostos 9 repins

In July of 1994, pieces of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, aka the "string of pearls" comet, collided with the Jupiter. As the comet fragments smashed into Jupiter, explosions scattered large quantities of dusty cometary debris into the Jovian atmosphere. The clouds of debris created the multiple dark smudges visible in this picture. Jupiter's rotation causes the successive impact sites to be strung out along the cloud bands while the strong winds cause the appearance of the smudges to change with time.

1 gosto 2 repins

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