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40 gostos 1 comentário 107 repins

Foto do perfil de Kayla Churchill

Kayla Churchill for sure!!!!

totally me !!

6 gostos 10 repins

Grey's Anatomy

40 gostos 2 comentários 73 repins

Foto do perfil de Kaysi Kelly

Kaysi Kelly Droooooooool

If you're gonna get kicked out anyway, you may as well do it right.

1 repin

As card lovers we got a kick out of this :)

37 gostos 1 comentário 59 repins

Yeah, pretty much.

1 gosto 2 repins

They play for the Browns

1 gosto 1 repin

Big Bang soft kitty

9 gostos 32 repins

Homemade Game pieces! Oh my goodness what an awesome idea!

1 repin

My days are full and hard but I somehow find the strength...

1 repin

so true! Pinterest, get in my closet!

2 gostos

For real hahaha !!!

2 gostos 1 repin


2 gostos 2 repins

this made us laugh so hard we cried when we read it at work one night!!!

8 gostos 6 repins

Lazy girl fitness. Where has this been all my life?!

2 gostos

“What do you mean I can’t have a cookie?”

1 gosto 3 repins


328 gostos 20 comentários 372 repins

Foto do perfil de Kayla Johnson

Kayla Johnson Less and doesn't.

Foto do perfil de Tammara Leminen

Tammara Leminen C'mon, guys, this is PINTREST. If I wanted to read about other people's misguided politics. I'd be on Facebook.

Foto do perfil de Caitlin Austin

Caitlin Austin Part of the problem here is the "Just World Fallacy" wherein people who are born with privileged or advantage tend to think that the world is a just place, life is always fair, and that everyone in a bad situation is there because they DESERVE it. It's a double standard. It allows rich, healthy, and privileged people to justify their existence and extravagance by pretending everyone who isn't in their group did something very, very wrong and that their disease, skin color, salary, and education level are 100% their own fault. That soldier with PTSD who couldn't get up for work is lazy, right? Same with the mother of 3 who has MS, right? Same with the kid who left school to take care of ailing family members, right? THEY DESERVE TO DIE IN THE STREETS. Right?

Foto do perfil de Kayla Johnson

Kayla Johnson I'm done with this post because every time I keep saying the post isn't against disabled people, people bring up disabled people. So, just keep posting. So my mother, who is overweight deserves to get disability because of her back problems when losing a little weight would probably help her back problems? Done with the conversation now because apparently there has never been a poor person that deserves to be poor.

Todos os 20 comentários…

I'm sorry but that is hilarious

4 gostos 3 repins

Aaron Paul♥

9 gostos 9 repins

Horrible family pics - more after the click

1 gosto

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