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    •  This chart shows the routes of the Eighth Air Force's 306th Bombardment Group on August 17, 1943. This was the first large-scale, deep-penetration daylight raid into Germany on Schweinfurt, the center of the German ball-bearing industry and an important military target. During the day, the targets would be more visible to the American forces, but the bombers would also be more visible to the Germans. The lines show the flight path, the circles represent the different German fighters the bombardment group encountered, and the little flags represent flak (anti-aircraft artillery). The German targets were heavily damaged, but so was the Eighth Air Force. One in six B-17 Flying Fortresses were lost that day, along with more than five hundred aircrew. Image via Today's Document.
      95559 · August 17 at 11:13am
    •  LIFE 1936-1948 America's People in Depression, War and Recovery as Portrayed in LIFE
      August 10 at 12:31pm
    •  This treaty was never broken.
      1 · July 22 at 4:42pm
      jfklibrary: “ October 17, 1962 — Day Two of the Cuban Missile Crisis “To start or risk starting a nuclear war is bound to be divisive at best, and the judgments of history seldom coincide with the tempers of the moment…blackmail and intimidation NEVER, negotiation and sanity ALWAYS.” - US Ambassador to the United Nati...
      ons Adlai Stevenson in a confidential memo to President Kennedy re: Cuba, 10/17/62 See the second page of Stevenson’s declassified letter here (source: ” The National Archives’ latest exhibit: “To the Brink: JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis” covers the 13 days when the world teetered on the brink of thermonuclear war.
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      View post · 11 hours ago via Tumblr
      preservearchives: “ The National Archives’ Preservation Conference is this Friday! We’d love to see you there! Details are here: We’ll be tweeting throughout the conference. You can follow Preservation at NARA on Twitter: @archivespres. Please join the Preservation Conference conversation on Twitter using #Preservation2012. ”
      View post · 12 hours ago via Tumblr
      It’s National Fossil Day! “ Charles Sternberg working on sandstone slab containing fossil, 06/1939 ” Sponsored by the National Park Service, ”National Fossil Day is a celebration organized to promote public awareness and stewardship of fossils, as well as to foster a greater appreciation of their scientific and educational value.” Have you ever found fossils at a State or National Park before?
      View post · 13 hours ago via Tumblr
      jfklibrary: “ October 17, 1962 — Day Two: Maps of the Cuban Missile Crisis President Kennedy scribbled handwritten notes on the first map during early meetings on the Cuban Missile Crisis, marking each missile site with a black X. The second, more detailed map was used by senior military officials and political advise...
      rs to catalog the many pieces of Soviet military equipment already on Cuba, including helicopters, transports, and missiles of varying size and range capabilities. (sources:, The Atlantic/Reuters) ” The National Archives’ latest exhibit: “To the Brink: JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis” covers the 13 days when the world teetered on the brink of thermonuclear war.
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      View post · 15 hours ago via Tumblr
      jfklibrary: “ October 16, 1962 - Day One of the Cuban Missile Crisis A declassified map of the Western hemisphere showing the full range of the nuclear missiles under construction in Cuba, used during the secret meetings on the Cuban crisis. (source: ”
      View post · Tuesday at 6:02pm via Tumblr
      October 16, 2012 is Ada Lovelace Day — a day to celebrate the achievements and contributions of women in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology These women display some old-school coding skills as they work on ENIAC, the “World’s First Computer, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator” What do you know about Ada Lovelace and her contributions to computer science?
      View post · Tuesday at 2:24pm via Tumblr
      jfklibrary: “ October 16, 1962 - Day One of the Cuban Missile Crisis President Kennedy’s schedule for October 16, 1962. Note that several of JFK’s meetings are off the record, so as not to arouse concern about the impending crisis. (source: ”
      View post · Tuesday at 12:15pm via Tumblr
      usnatarchives: “ Hey, is that Peter Sagal of “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me” in front of the Constitution? Why, yes! Just another day here at the National Archives for our press officers… (We hear he was very funny!) Why is this image so dark? No flash photography is allowed in the Rotunda in order to preserve the fragile documents on display: Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence. ”
      View post · Tuesday at 12:08pm via Tumblr
      Happy Birthday Angela Lansbury - October 16, 1925 “ Photograph of movie stars Angela Lansbury, Charles Coburn, and Constance Moore, seated at a table during a Roosevelt Birthday Ball function in Washington, with a portrait of the late President in the background., 01/28/1946 ”
      View post · Tuesday at 11:53am via Tumblr
      jfklibrary: “ Today marks the first day of the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis, one of the most perilous moments in American history, and certainly the greatest test of John F. Kennedy’s presidency. To mark this momentous occasion, we will be tweeting archival documents, audio and video clips, and quotes from the Kennedy administration with our historical Twitter account, @JFK1962. Follow every crucial moment from the #13days here! ”
      View post · Tuesday at 11:40am via Tumblr
      “ Photograph of Three Marine Corps Women Reservists, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, 10/16/1943 American Indian women too have joined the fighting forces against Germany and Japan. These three are members of the U.S. Marine Corps. They are [left to right] Minnie Spotted Wolf of the Blackfeet, Celia Mix, Potawatomi, and Violet Eastman, Chippewa. ”
      View post · Tuesday at 6:00am via Tumblr
      “ “We Negroes are American Citizens - First Class tax payers, but so often we are treated as second class citizens, if there is such. In our hearts, we would like to know what it is that the White man has against the Negro. What can we do to make peace with the White man? We have to live on this earth together. We can ...
      not do without each other. We as a group, want your friendship, won’t you accept?” Letter to President Dwight D. Eisenhower from Mrs. Floy J. Anderson Regarding Racial Disputes, 10/15/1957 ” In this letter, Mrs. Floy J. Anderson, who describes herself as Negro, writes about racial disputes including the recent Little Rock School Integration Crisis, being treated as a second class citizens and an incident where she was refused a ride on a Trans-contentintal Railway Bus.
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      View post · Monday at 6:00am via Tumblr
      “ MRBM Field Launch Site San Cristobal No. 1 & 2, 14 October 1962 ” On October 14, 1962, United States military surveillance aircraft took hundreds of aerial photographs of Cuba, including these two. Working around the clock, CIA analysts would determine that the photos showed conclusive evidence that a Soviet missil...
      e base was under construction near San Cristobal, Cuba, just 90 miles from the coast of Florida. The most dangerous encounter in the Cold War rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union had begun. The National Archives’ latest exhibit: “To the Brink: JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis” covers the 13 days when the world teetered on the brink of thermonuclear war.
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      View post · October 14 at 6:00am via Tumblr
      United States Navy Memorial Dedication Dedicated 25 years ago today, our neighbor, the United States Navy Memorial, opened on October 13, 1987. “ An elevated view of the dedication ceremonies for the US Navy Memorial on Pennsylvania Avenue at Eighth Street, 10/13/1987 ” (If you’ve been to Washington lately, you’ll notice that the neighborhood around the National Archives looks quite a bit different now.)
      View post · October 13 at 6:00am via Tumblr
      usnatarchives: “ This confidential cable to RFK from the State Department is just one of almost 3,000 pages of records released to the public this week. Seven boxes of material (more than 2,700 pages) from the Robert F. Kennedy Papers, housed at the Kennedy Library in Boston, are now online. These digitized documents are mostly related to the Cuban Missile Crisis. What are you doing to celebrate Day of Digital of Archives? ”
      View post · October 12 at 1:01pm via Tumblr
      October 12 is Digital Archives Day We thought we’d take this opportunity to invite all you digital citizen archivists to try your hand at a tagging mission on our Online Catalog! todaysdocument: “ We Can Tag It! We need your help tagging photos and documents in the online catalog for the National Archives. With every tag you add, you’re doing your part to help the next person discover that record. Go ahead and give it at try. Visit the catalog. Do a search for your favorite topics or events. Create a login and start tagging! ”
      View post · October 12 at 11:56am via Tumblr
    • See some of the painstaking and dedicated work by our amazing National Archives volunteers as they prepare Civil War Widows’ Pension Files for digitization.
      “ Celebrating Our Volunteers
      This week we had an opportunity to honor volunteers who...
      See some of the painstaking and dedicated work by our amazing National Archives volunteers as they prepare Civil War Widows’ Pension Files for digitization. aotus: “ Celebrating Our Volunteers This...
      View post · October 12 at 10:00am via Tumblr
      usnatarchives: “ This morning, our new exhibit opens to the public. “To the Brink: JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis” covers the 13 days when the world teetered on the brink of thermonuclear war. Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev ordered a secret deployment of a nuclear strike force in Cuba, just 90 miles from the Unite...
      d States—with missiles that could reach most major U.S. cities in less than five minutes. President Kennedy stated that the missiles would not be tolerated, and insisted on their removal. Khrushchev refused. Now, 50 years later, curators at the Kennedy Library and designers from the National Archives have created an exhibit where you can listen to secret real-time White House recordings from Kennedy’s meetings with his advisors during the 13 terrifying days in October 1962. Do you remember the Cuban Missile Crisis? Image: Medium Range Ballistic Missile Field Launch Site in San Cristobal, Cuba, taken October, 14, 1962. From the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. Learn more about the JFK Library here: ”
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      View post · October 12 at 7:43am via Tumblr
      One gun and a ram The CSS Manassas, a one-gun Confederate ironclad ram, rammed the USS Richmond at the Head of Passes at the mouth of the Mississippi River on October 12, 1861. This letter (one page shown here), written by Johnny (possibly J.R. Bartlett), records the action from the Richmond’s deck and shows the damag...
      e done by the ram. As detailed in the notes, Richmond was damaged but not sunk, and Manassas suffered in the attack as well, losing its smokestack and prow and temporarily lost power. “ Letter from Johnny Bartlett Regarding the Engagement Between the CSS Ram Manassas and the USS Richmond, 10/12/1861 ”
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      View post · October 12 at 6:09am via Tumblr
      usnatarchives: “ October is American Archives Month—and it’s also the birth month of Eleanor Roosevelt, born on October 11 in 1884. Did you know that FDR established the first Presidential Library? So for today, in honor of the First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and in honor of American archives, we’re highlighting the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum on our blog: Image: Eleanor Roosevelt and Shirley Temple, July 1938. ARC Identifier 195615. ”
      View post · October 11 at 5:01pm via Tumblr
      ourpresidents: “ “ “I think I have a good deal of my Uncle Theodore in me, because I could not, at any age, be content to take my place by the fireside and simply look on.” -Eleanor Roosevelt ” On this day in 1884, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was born. Learn more about her life here. -from the FDR Library ”
      View post · October 11 at 10:14am via Tumblr
      Patent Drawing for G. L. Witsil’s Sandwiched Bread, 10/11/1881 “ “As a new article of manufacture, sandwiched bread or bread containing pieces of meat which have been distributed in a raw condition throughout the dough of which the bread is composed and have been cooked at the same time therewith, substantially as hereinbefore set forth.” ” Tired of having to build those complicated sandwiches with their messy fillings? Or did you ever want the fruitcake experience, but with meat?
      View post · October 11 at 6:01am via Tumblr
      Patent Drawing for G. L. Witsil’s Sandwiched Bread, 10/11/1881 “ “As a new article of manufacture, sandwiched bread or bread containing pieces of meat which have been distributed in a raw condition throughout the dough of which the bread is composed and have been cooked at the same time therewith, substantially as hereinbefore set forth.” ” Tired of having to build those complicated sandwiches with their messy fillings? Or did you ever want the fruitcake experience, but with meat?
      View post · October 11 at 6:01am via Tumblr
      Patent Drawing for G. L. Witsil’s Sandwiched Bread, 10/11/1881 “ “As a new article of manufacture, sandwiched bread or bread containing pieces of meat which have been distributed in a raw condition throughout the dough of which the bread is composed and have been cooked at the same time therewith, substantially as hereinbefore set forth.” ” Tired of having to build those complicated sandwiches with their messy fillings? Or did you ever want the fruitcake experience, but with meat?
      View post · October 11 at 6:00am via Tumblr
      usnatarchives: “ Why do we have the Electoral College? Our Founding Fathers worried that even qualified citizens (generally white, male landowners) wouldn’t have the information necessary to make a truly informed decision. So they decided to give the States the authority to appoint educated, well-read Electors to vote...
      on behalf of their citizens. As the Constitution makes clear, the States elect the President and Vice-President, individuals don’t. The Electoral College is managed by the Federal Register, part of the National Archives. You can learn more by visiting our website and watching our new video that explains how the votes actually get counted. You can also like the Federal Register on Facebook or follow us on Twitter (@ElectoralCollge) for the latest updates. Image: Tally of the 1824 Electoral College Vote, 02/09/1825 (ARC 306207) ”
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      View post · October 10 at 1:38pm via Tumblr
      “ Aleut Womens Petition, 10/10/1942 ” This item is a petition by Aleut women in the Pribilof Islands Program citing their living conditions at the Funter Bay Evacuation Camp in southeastern Alaska during World War II. Residents of many Alaskan islands had been relocated during early Japanese advances in the Pacific.
      View post · October 10 at 6:53am via Tumblr
      Not the first UFO sighting in our holdings, but this one includes some great DIY possibilities, just in time for Halloween too: usnatarchives: “ There are schematics for flying saucers in the National Archives. Seriously! The Huffington Post reports: “ At the same time that the Air Force was denying the existence of U...
      FOs back in the 1950s, it was also secretly trying to build its own supersonic flying saucer. ” “ A recently declassified document reveals that the Air Force, in 1956, contracted a Canadian company, Avro Aircraft Limited in Ontario to construct a circular craft that could take off and land vertically, as well as potentially reach a top speed of Mach 4 and fly as high as 100,000 feet over a range of 1,000 nautical miles. ” You can also read the original post on the NDC Blog. ”
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      View post · October 9 at 12:45pm via Tumblr
      usnatarchives: “ We’re posting another vintage “Archivists at Work” photograph in honor of American Archives Month! The original caption reads: “J. W. Roberts, Mrs. E. B. Haas, and Miss J. Cobb with Memovox, 1949.” What are you doing to celebrate American Archives Month? ”
      View post · October 9 at 8:00am via Tumblr
      Princess Party, 1940s-style “ Picnic for Princess Juliana of the Netherlands at Val-kill, Hyde Park, New York, October 9, 1943. L-R: Secret Service, Secret Service, Princess Irene, Princess Beatrix, Princess Juliana, Mrs. J.R. Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt in background with unidentified man, FDR, children’s nurse, Grace Tully, Ethel Roosevelt (Mrs. FDR, Jr.). Photo by Margaret Suckley. ”
      View post · October 9 at 6:00am via Tumblr
      Accept No Substitutes “ “We have already seen the effects of the use of some of the substitutes for light wines and beer, and the result is very much in favor of the use of wines and beer.” ” In 1919, representatives for the Northern New York Utilities, Inc., wrote to New York Congressman David O’Connell objecting to...
      the complete prohibition of alcoholic beverages. Supporters for prohibition did not always favor a complete ban on all liquors. Some supported prohibition of strong spirits, while allowing the consumption of beer and wine. “ Petition from Northern New York Utilities, Incorporated, to the Honorable David J. O’Connell, 10/08/1919 ”
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      View post · October 8 at 6:00am via Tumblr
      Let’s Go, Nats! congressarchives: “ We’ve got baseball fever in Washington! The Nationals have made it to the postseason (which starts today) for the first time since the team moved to DC. Who will you be rooting for? Untitled by Clifford Berryman, 4/10/1907, U.S. Senate Collection (ARC 6010700) ”
      View post · October 7 at 10:00am via Tumblr
      “…an offer from Th Jefferson late President of the United States, of the whole of his library for Congress in such a mode, and upon such terms as they consider highly advantageous to the nation, and worthy the distinguished gentleman who tenders it.” “ Report from the Joint Committee on the Library of Congress regarding the purchase of Thomas Jefferson’s Library, 10/07/1814 ”
      View post · October 7 at 6:00am via Tumblr
      “ A view of the ruins of Avocourt, situated just behind the American trenches before the Allied drive of September 26, 1918. Avocourt is now a pile of stones, scarcely a wall is standing. France, October 6, 1918 ”
      View post · October 6 at 5:06pm via Tumblr
      ourpresidents: “ 1964 Presidential Campaign - Civil Rights and the South It was October 1964, and the November Presidential election was looming as parts of the country still seethed over the Civil Rights Act President Lyndon B. Johnson had signed into law just a few months earlier. Many white southerners and politi...
      cians considered the law an assault on their long-established way of life. Southern Democrats threatened to bolt as racial politics threatened to splinter the party and cost Johnson the election. It was during this tumultuous time that Lady Bird Johnson embarked on perhaps her most difficult assignment as First Lady. In a four-day, 1,628-mile trip aboard a train dubbed the Lady Bird Special, the First Lady traveled through eight southern states. This was the first time a First Lady campaigned on her own for her husband and she championed the new legislation that eliminated “Jim Crow” laws and guaranteed African Americans access to all public accommodations and the right to equal employment opportunities. Along the way, Mrs. Johnson was met with invective that no first lady has experienced since. But the ultimate success of the trip, as she defended the need for the Civil Rights Act, was a testament to Lady Bird’s spirit and stoicism. While she loved her role as First Lady, she wrote at the end of her tenure, “I wouldn’t trade anything for the experience. But not for anything would I pay for the price of admission again.” Images: “Please don’t forget to vote” Postcard, 1964 ; Lady Bird Johnson on her Whistle Stop Tour. 10/6/64. More - Lady Bird Johnson’s Centennial Celebration ”
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      View post · October 6 at 8:20am via Tumblr
      Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce Following the Battle of Bear Paw, ”non-treaty” groups of the Nez Perce surrender to the United States Army on October 5, 1877, ending the Nez Perce War. While not the sole leader of the Nez Perce, Joseph emerged as one of the more outspoken and compelling figures in the conflict and during the Nez Perce’s later struggles following their removal from their ancestral lands in the Pacific Northwest.
      View post · October 5 at 7:24am via Tumblr
      usnatarchives: “ A volunteer was prepping an unopened file for digital scanning and found this mole’s skin pressed in the papers of a Civil War widow’s pension file! How did a preserved mole skin end up in our archives? “ The soldier, James J. Van Liew, didn’t care to share his tent with this uninvited guest and capt...
      ured it. As (a joke? a love token?), Van Liew sent the skin to his wife, Charity. She kept it for years but lost his original letter. In July 1900, Charity applied to the government for a widow’s pension. In these applications, the widow had to establish her relationship with the soldier, and in an era before consistent recording of marriages, the women often had to be creative. Charity had no marriage certificate, but she did have this mole skin. She sent the Pension Bureau four testimonials from friends who had seen Van Liew’s letter—addressed to “Dear Wife”—and the surprising enclosure. ” Just goes to show you never know what you will find in an archives. Happy American Archives Month! ”
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      View post · October 4 at 1:15pm via Tumblr
      usnatarchives: “ If you, like Buster Keating, have served in the military, your personnel file is held at the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) in St. Louis, Missouri. More than 34 million files are held in this new facility, filling 2.3 million cubic feet of records on 385,000 shelves. There are 6.2 billion fee...
      t of paper in the military records alone. This picture shows the building under construction in 2011. The shelves that are being installed are 29 feet high. About 600 full-time staff work in St. Louis. In 2011, the NPRC received 1,093,522 written requests for records, about 3,000 requests per day. Read more about this incredible building and the work our NPRC staff do for veterans: ”
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      View post · October 4 at 12:00pm via Tumblr
      Some “Preservation Haiku” for National Poetry Day AND American Archives Month! preservearchives: “ Another Preservation Awareness Week haiku from St. Louis! Mold flies through the air. Holy cow, it’s in my hair. I need a shower. Gretchen Shoemaker ”
      View post · October 4 at 10:17am via Tumblr
      “Buster” Keaton, 10/04/1895 - 2/01/1966 This is the World War I Draft Registration card for veteran performer Joseph “Buster” Keaton, born October 4, 1895 in Picqua, Kansas (“Picquy” on his card). At the time of his registration he was working on Broadway for fellow silent film star (and later subject of a controversial murder trial) Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle.
      View post · October 4 at 7:14am via Tumblr
      usnatarchives: “ How do you solve a problem like Maria? Come to our research rooms! The naturalization paperwork of Maria von Trapp of The Sound of Music is in our holdings, but the documents are not in Washington, DC. This record is in the holdings of the National Archives at Boston. The National Archives at Boston has a research room that is open to the public. You can research maritime records, court cases, and genealogy. They also have a Facebook page. We’re spotlighting all of our research rooms in honor of American Archives Month. One down, 26 to go! ”
      View post · October 3 at 12:59pm via Tumblr
      Lincoln visits with his generals After the Civil War battle of Antietam, President Abraham Lincoln was anxious for Major General George B. McClellan to pursue Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s army into Virginia. McClellan believed that his army was not fit to move. Lincoln unexpectedly visited McClellan and his army to observe its condition. On October 3, 1862, Alexander Gardner photographed Lincoln and McClellan at the Fifth Corps headquarters. “ Photograph of President Abraham Lincoln and His Generals After Antietam, 1862 ”
      View post · October 3 at 6:34am via Tumblr
      riversidearchives: “ Soldiers of Hispanic descent were integral in the war effort overseas and at home. Special Services soldiers stationed at the Los Angeles Port of Embarkation during World War II made a difference in the morale of soldiers fighting in the Pacific theater. These images from Records of the Chief of Tr...
      ansportation (Record Group 336) document the work done by two of these soldiers (the third is unidentified), privates Hernandez (at the piano) and Guzman (with guitar) playing music and recording the voices of soldiers “to the folks at home.” ¡Celebración de la Herencia Hispana! To pay tribute to the many generations of Hispanic Americans that have enriched our nation’s history, the National Archives at Riverside will be highlighting some of our holdings relating to Hispanic American history in our region (Southern California, Arizona, and Clark County, NV), including records relating to Private Land Claims, Immigration and Naturalization, military service and many more. For more information about Hispanic Heritage Month, see ”
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      View post · October 2 at 10:11am via Tumblr
      “ Life on the Mississippi, 10/02/1907 From the Clifford Berryman Political Cartoon Collection ” President (and riverboat pilot) Theodore Roosevelt is forced to navigate a variety of hazards, including Standard Oil and Railroad Trusts, along with his steadfast sidekick, Teddy Bear.
      View post · October 2 at 7:10am via Tumblr
      ourpresidents: “ “ Hello! My Name is Jimmy Carter It’s My Birthday ” On the 88th birthday of our 39th President, a campaign poster from the 1977 election. Happy birthday Jimmy Carter! -from the Carter Library ”
      View post · October 1 at 12:47pm via Tumblr
      “China, Liberty, and Uncle Sam united” “ Chinese Day in the Fourth Liberty Loan Campaign was appropriately celebrated. One of the features of the Chinese Parade is shown. China, Liberty, and Uncle Sam united. Underwood and Underwood., 10/01/1918 ”
      View post · October 1 at 6:00am via Tumblr
      preservearchives: “ A National Archives treasure is on loan to the National Portrait Gallery. The Treaty of Ghent (ratified American Original, TS 109) is exhibited in the NPG’s current show, “1812: A Nation Emerges.” NARA conservators have requested that light levels on the Treaty be kept to a minimum during the exhibi...
      t in order to extend the life of this document. This bound Treaty will be displayed open from June 15, 2012 through January 27, 2013. However, midway into the show a conservator will turn a page in the Treaty to reveal a new opening. This practice further reduces the risk of damage from light. Here you can see the pages of the Treaty currently on display. ”
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      View post · September 30 at 11:00am via Tumblr
      President Kennedy Addresses the Nation “ “Mr. James Meredith is now in residence on the campus of the University of Mississippi” ” On May 31, 1961, James H. Meredith filed suit in the U.S. district court against the University of Mississippi, claiming that he had been denied admission because of his race. On June 25,...
      1962, more than a year after he had initially applied to the university, the U.S. Fifth Circuit court handed down its decision. James Meredith was to be allowed to attend the University of Mississippi. Meredith’s legal victory was challenged. Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett proclaimed that the State of Mississippi would not conform to the federal court decision. The U.S. Government would not tolerate the defiance of the State of Mississippi. On September 30, 1962, the President of the United States issued an Executive Order stating that justice was not going to be obstructed by any person or state. In this speech, Kennedy reaffirmed the supremacy of the federal courts over the state courts in settling constitutional issues. “ University of Mississippi Radio and Television Speech September 30, 1962 ” Read more at Integrating Ole Miss from the John F. Kennedy Library
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      View post · September 30 at 6:00am via Tumblr
      It’s National Public Lands Day! These intrepid Documericans pitched in at Big Basin Redwoods State Park, California, back in 1972. “ Young Conservationists Doing Trail Work, 05/1972 Dick Rowan, Photographer. From the EPA’s DOCUMERICA series. ” What public lands did you help care for today?
      View post · September 29 at 11:00am via Tumblr
      Coffee’s Ready! September 29 is National Coffee Day — and National Public Lands Day! “ Gale Taylor, St. Ignace, Michigan seeing if the coffee has started to boil. 07/1939. From the Historic Photographs file of the National Forest Service (Eastern Region) ” Where will you be enjoying your coffee today? National Park? State Forest? City park?
      View post · September 29 at 6:00am via Tumblr
      *Update: Number of followers of Today’s Document on Tumblr: 34,862 36,233! aotus: “ By The Numbers This is a snapshot of a variety of data points we are tracking to measure how we are doing. I am especially interested in trends as we focus more and more on digital access. Is the investment paying off in terms of nu...
      mbers of eyeballs on our content? What impact does online access have on onsite visits? Are our efforts around social media paying off? Are we finding the people where they are? And making it easy for them to discover our content? And what difference has having a Wikipedian-in-Residence had?! You be the judge. Percentage of online users visiting via mobile device in FY11: 4.6 Percentage of online users visiting via mobile device in FY12: 10.2 Number of visits to all NARA facilities in FY11: 3,048,906 Number of visits to all NARA facilities so far in FY 12: 2,807,685 Number of visits in FY 11: 18,372,040 (so far in FY 12: 23,138,185) Number of researcher visits to all NARA facilities in FY 11: 129,435 Number of written requests answered by all NARA offices in FY 11: 1,300,803 • Number of written requests (includes fax, letter, email) received by all NARA archival offices in FY 11: 207,281 (so far in FY 12: 114,538) • Number of written requests received by the St. Louis Military Personnel Records Center in FY11: 1,093,522 (so far in FY 12: 889,283) Number of visits to ARC/OPA in FY11: 830,288 (so far in FY 12: 1,453,516) Number of visits 1940 Census received since April 2012: 5,126,627 Number of views of NARA social media sites in FY 11: 22,240,389 (so far in FY 12: 34,044,797) Number of staff creating content on NARA’s social media channels in FY09: 11 Number of staff creating content on NARA’s social media channels in FY11: 1300 Number of views of NARA’s 13 external blogs in FY11: 600,000 (so far in FY 12: 635,569) *Number of followers of Today’s Document on Tumblr: 34,862 Number of downloads of Today’s Document mobile app (IOS and Droid): 60,000 Number of NARA digital copies on our Flickr account (June 2009 to date): 12,026 Number of user-contributed tags on our Flickr digital copies (June 2009 to date): 90,353 Estimated number of views of Wikipedia articles with NARA digital copies in FY12: 750,000,000 ”
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      View post · September 28 at 3:11pm via Tumblr
      Be sure to watch Today’s Document tomorrow for a couple vintage National Public Lands Day-related posts (after you’re done pitching in of course!). mypubliclands: “ The BLM is hosting a National Public Lands Day social media meetup on Saturday, Sept. 29. You’ll be out volunteering, won’t you? Well, tweet messages and ...
      photos to @BLMNational using the hashtag #NPLD; follow us on Facebook and tag us at @BLMNational; tag your Tumblr posts with #NPLD and #Bureauoflandmanagement (no spaces); and instagram your photos to our new @mypubliclands using the hashtag #NPLD. We’ll retweet, reblog, and like the best throughout the day! Visit (or scan the QR code) for more. ”
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      View post · September 28 at 7:36am via Tumblr

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