About the Author: Benjamin Baird serves at the U.S. Embassy in London.

Table tennis may not be prime time viewing for all Olympics fans, as tonight’s Closing Ceremonies in London likely will be. But Team USA Table Tennis is gaining new followers by acting as ambassadors for their sport and country by playing their favorite game with kids in East London.

“There were a few players out there who could really play so that was a good surprise,” said Team USA player Ariel Hsing.

Sixteen-year old Erica Wu is the same age as many of the Tower Hamlets kids and teens she’s meeting. For the first-time Olympian, this is her chance to make an impact beyond the arena.

“It’s really great to come out and spread the sport since table tennis isn’t as popular here as in like Asia or something, so it was really fun meeting all the kids,” she said.

Some on the all-teen, table tennis team have made it to the Olympics before… more »

London 2012 Olympics Countdown Calls for Friendly Competition

U.S. Department of State employees pose for a photograph after participating in Embassy Olympics at Reeves Field American University in Washington, D.C., on April 18, 2012, to mark 100 days until the start of the London Olympics. [Photography copyright Tony Powell/ British Embassy]

About the Author: Cindy Gire serves as Division Chief of Sports United in theBureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

Today marks 75 days until the start of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games in London. As London prepares to welcome the world for the Olympics, the British Embassy in Washington, D.C. organized a medley of sports activities or “Embassy Olympics,” in recognition last month of the “100 Days To Go” mark. On April 18, international colleagues from the diplomatic community joined to compete in the “Embassy Olympics.” SportsUnited representatives from the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs along with their colleagues in the Bureau of International Information Programs and Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs were key “players” in the event.

Even the rainy weather — true to form for a British activity — did not dampen the spirits of the participants. Embassy teams enthusiastically represented countries that have previously hosted the Olympics… more »

U.S. Senior Advisor on Darfur Travels to Geneva, London

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

August 8, 2011

Ambassador Dane F. Smith, U.S. Senior Advisor for Darfur, departs Washington this evening en route to Geneva, Switzerland, and London, United Kingdom. In Geneva, Ambassador Smith will meet with humanitarian agencies and organizations to discuss how to support international efforts aimed at creating sustainable opportunities to improve the livelihoods the Darfuri people while decreasing dependence on humanitarian assistance. He will also discuss the importance of renewing the mandate of the Independent Expert with delegations to the UN Human Rights Council. In London, the Senior Advisor will meet with his counterparts and other interested parties to discuss the way ahead on Darfur.

Photo of the Week: President Obama Addresses the “Mother of Parliaments”

President Obama led through a hall of the House of Commons in London, May 25, 2011. [White House]

President Barack Obama embarked on a six-day trip to Europe, where he visited Ireland, the United Kingdom, France and Poland to engage our allies in the region on a host of issues. Our photo of the week comes from the White House and shows President Obama being led through a hall outside of the House of Commons by the Rt. Hon. John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons, during a tour of Parliament in London, England, May 25, 2011. In remarks to the British Parliament, President Obama underscored the special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom and addressed the challenges the two nations face today. President Obama said:

“I have known few greater honors than the opportunity to address the Mother of Parliaments at Westminster Hall. I am told that the last three speakers here have been the Pope, Her Majesty the Queen, and Nelson Mandela — which… more »