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Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee - Washington, DC

Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
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  1. Former Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairmen Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., and Former Ranking Member Susan Collins, R-Maine, on December 31, 2012, released their final, bipartisan work product together, a report on the securi...ty deficiencies at the temporary U.S. Mission in Benghazi that led to the deaths of four Americans, including Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens.

    To Download the full report, like us and follow this link:
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    • Chris Fowler
      I've been trying to get to your senator page and keep getting redirrected to dlink for some reason. So SandyHook why am I getting visits by whom ever those people are just prior to these events. Why was I in Ct with theshooter and his mother and why were those events stripped from my mind until after the facts? This reminds me of the other cases I my help wasasked with such as the Az shooter the Auroa shooter. whats are these memories of a chat room where all these shooters were part of and whom brought me in on it? Some of These same people are also homeland security employees that took to the use of memory oppressor to cover for these crimes Since i wasnt going to beable to prove it after they induced my mind with their chemicals. Some of these people wre at the event in San Fransico back in August during that event. Whos really behind these shootings since they had a chatroom setup and had visited the shooters. I need the evidence if any from the hard drive that will lead you to them..... Chris Fowler
      7 hours ago
    • Michael Karkainan
      Freedom of the Press @FreedomofPress A must-watch video by our co-founder @DanielEllsberg on the scandal of govt secrecy and the vital importance of leaks: #ows
      January 1 at 6:40pm
    • Michael Karkainan
      On the next Project Censored Show, Pacifica Free Speech Radio- Live 8 A.M. Pacific time, December 28, 2012 COINTELPRO Revisited- The FBI and Occupy Wall St. Co-hosts Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips talk with investigative journalist Jason Leopold of Truthout regarding his FOIA requests and recent revelations that the FBI was not only monitoring the Occupy Wall St. movement over the past year, but was infiltrating with informants and possibly planning acts of violence against key OWS members. Also, Seth Rosenfeld, author of Subversives: The FBI's War on Student Radicals and Reagan's Rise to Power, joins the discussion to offer historical context and expand upon these most recent COINTELPRO-style developments.
      December 27, 2012 at 3:04pm
    • To Senator Lieberman: As one of your constituents, I am writing to express my grave concerns about myself and my elderly mother, for whom I provide live-in care, and for all persons who depend on the earned-benefit and social programs that we do to survive. I am receiving Social Security Disability as my only source of income at all, $16/mo. in SNAP benefits, and my Medicare/Medicaid benefits are the only health insurance I have for all of my prescriptions and healthcare needs for my disabilities and other concerns. A low income subsidy makes the out-of-pocket expenses I incur somewhat more manageable, but only because my income is so very low to qualify for it. My mother also subsists on a low, monthly Social Security benefit amount, and Medicare for her prescriptions and healthcare. We do not receive enough combined from these various earned benefits and social programs to be able to afford any changes to them. We both paid into them during our entire working lives, so cuts in any way whatsoever, whether by reducing benefit coverage amounts, changing the annual COLA calculation (i.e, NO "chained" CPI), changing the age of eligibility, etc., are not costs we should, or can, afford to bear. If anything, we need these benefits and programs added to and expanded, financially and in terms of services and coverages. There are simply many other places where money can be found to pay off our deficit, and not only balance our budget, but return it to a surplus. Of course, reigning in the costs of healthcare delivery, tests, and procedures, prescription medications and Big Pharma, eliminating the fee-for-service/procedure reimbursement model and switching to a empirical-research-evidence-based, quality-of-care provider reimbursement model, as well as making it a priority to reign in waste and fraud, are all areas that can be addressed to reduce the costs to all of the earned benefit and social programs as they are right now, without making changes or cuts to any of them. Balancing the budget on the backs of people like me and my mother, to extend tax-cut welfare & subsidies for the elite rich, is no way for any elected public servant to carry out their duties under their oaths of office. It is an immoral and inexcusable way to make policy and legislative decisions. Further, the over-bloated defense budget and war spending would sustain all of the social benefit programs mentioned here, combined, ongoingly, if the excessive pork there were transferred to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, WIC, LIS, QMB, and the other programs and benefits for the least among us who are just trying to survive. No one gets a blank check from the government, as those who vilify the poor and vulnerable want people to believe, to justify not paying fair taxes themselves. Raising tax rates on high-income households and corporations is an absolute must to have fair tax policies for all, and to pay back the deficit. Paying taxes is being patriotic by investing in our nation, so we can all have the infrastructure and other benefits we so easily take for granted. The tax evasion and deregulation policy benefits the elite rich & corporations have been given by the government, across the past 50 years, must come to an end, or eventually, there simply won't be anything left, even for the rich. Besides bringing the tax rates up for those making $200,000 or more, persons and businesses, including on all unearned income in the form of investment returns, capital gains, etc., to the same rate as all earned income, cutting defense, war, and other spending overseas are all national priorities. While we do not want to lose sight of being compassionate to humanitarian relief efforts around the world, at this severely difficult time in our nation's financial health and ability to take care of the least among us, including children, vets, the elderly, and the disabled, we cannot keep spending overseas and on unnecessary defense & war expenditures, while minimizing or ignoring taking care of our own. I ask that you stand firm in sustaining Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, WIC, LIS, QMB, and all benefits and programs for the poor and most vulnerable among us, particularly since we paid into them out of our own paychecks, so they consist of our money anyway, as it is. Thank you for your resolve to protect these social programs and benefits from any cuts or changes whatsoever, except for adding, ONLY, to their financial strength and covered benefits & services, for all of us who so desperately need them.
      December 27, 2012 at 9:56am
  3. Senator Lieberman recieved two commendations from CIA Acting Director Michael Morell Thursday, December 20, 2012. To view more info, like us and follow this link:
  4. Senator Joseph I. Lieberman receives the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) National Public Service Award for his role in the creation, support, and improvement of the Department of Homeland Security. Former DHS Secretary Michael ...Chertoff and current Secretary Janet Napolitano participated in the ceremony. To view more on this ceremony, like us and follow this link: More
    Photo: DHS Imagery (Public Domain)
    Photo: DHS Imagery (Public Domain)
  5. Senator Joseph I. Lieberman receives the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) National Public Service Award for his role in the creation, support, and improvement of the Department of Homeland Security. Former DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff and current Secretary Janet Napolitano participated in the ceremony.
  6. Senator Joseph Lieberman receives the National Intelligence Distinguished Public Service Medal from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. To read more info, like us and click on the following link!

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