Author Archives: Patty Hayes

For Women Veterans, VA is the Right Place

VA Chief Consultant for Women Veterans Health

There are more than 1.8 million women Veterans in the United States. Did you know VA offers high quality women’s health care?

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Celebrating Veterans Day: Reflecting on Women Veterans’ Service

VA Chief Consultant for Women Veterans Health

Tributes to women Veterans are more than a celebration of service; they’re a reminder that the bravest and strongest among us deserve our best efforts at serving them in return.

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A Promise Kept

VA Chief Consultant for Women Veterans Health

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Read about how VA delivers women Veterans top-quality care for breast cancer prevention and treatment.

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Caring for Women Vets: A Response to “My VA Care”

VA Chief Consultant for Women Veterans Health

I worried that a woman might come to a VA facility, have a negative experience, and be instantly turned off and go away; that she would never receive the excellent health care she deserves. The story that Staff Sergeant Jennifer Hunt shared in her guest post is what my colleagues and I are working every day to change.

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