USDA Deputy Secretary Merrigan Reads to Children as part of Obama Administration’s ‘United We Serve’ Initiative

On Monday, June 22, 2009, USDA Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan, read to children at the Morgan Day Care Center in Silver Spring, MD. The visit was part of President Obama’s “United We Serve” initiative program which is designed make volunteerism and community service part of the daily lives of all Americans and help build a new foundation of service, one community at a time.

Merrigan was joined by Maryland Secretary of Agriculture Earl "Buddy" Hance, and together they shared nutrition tips with pre-school children at the day care center. Morgan Day Care participates in USDA's Child and Adult Care Food Program and runs the Summer Food Service Program at nearby Piney Branch Elementary School.

Merrigan was joined by Maryland Secretary of Agriculture Earl "Buddy" Hance, and together they shared nutrition tips with pre-school children at the day care center. Morgan Day Care participates in USDA's Child and Adult Care Food Program and runs the Summer Food Service Program at nearby Piney Branch Elementary School.

Welcome to the USDA Blog

Welcome to the United States Department of Agriculture’s new blog, a place where visitors can get the latest news on the work we are doing. Whether we are providing nutrition assistance, maintaining an appropriate safety net for America’s farmers and ranchers, mitigating effects of climate change, conserving our land, managing our forests, or assisting in the creation of renewable energy sources, USDA is an Every Day, Every Way department that touches the lives of every American, every day. So, we have a lot to report.

We will make regular posts but we hope you will add your comments, feedback, ideas, and suggestions. We hope that the USDA Blog will become a forum for dialogue between USDA and the customers we serve – the American people. Talk to you again soon.

Secretary Tom Vilsack

Secretary Vilsack and Secretary Chu discuss green jobs and new energy in Virginia

Secretary Vilsack visited Virginia today with Energy Secretary Steven Chu to discuss the many ways in which saving energy, developing green jobs and pursuing new biofuel alternatives will help to revitalize rural America. Read more »

Providing Resources for Beginning Farmers and Ranchers

During yesterday’s Facebook chat with Secretary Vilsack, it became obvious that there is a lot of interest in supporting beginning farmers and ranchers. USDA knows beginning farmers face unique challenges, such as high startup costs and a lack of available land for purchase or rent. These issues are important to you, and they are important to us as well.

The U.S. agricultural population is poised to make a dramatic change as half of all current farmers are likely to retire in the next decade. According to the 2007 Census of Agriculture, the average age of farm operators was 57 years. Farmers over the age 55 own more than half the farmland in the U.S. But the number of new farmers and ranchers over the age of 35 is increasing, as does the number of smaller farms and ranches nationwide. Through the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Programs, USDA is dedicated to not only helping younger farmers succeed, but ensuring that U.S. agriculture stays prosperous in the future.

Several USDA agencies are addressing these issues by providing assistance and training to help beginning farmers and ranchers succeed in their production efforts.

The Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES) began funding the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development program in 2009. This program is an education, training, technical assistance and outreach program designed to help U.S. farmers and ranchers -specifically those who have been farming or ranching for 10 years or less. Under the program, CSREES will make grants available to state, local, tribal and regional organizations to design programs to help beginning farmers and ranchers through mentoring, apprenticeships and internships, providing resources, assisting farmers in acquiring land and teaching innovative farming strategies and practices. The first round of grants are expected to be awarded this fall.

USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) makes loans available to beginning farmers who are unable to obtain financing from commercial lenders. More information about obtaining a loan is available on the FSA website.

Rural Development administers a Value-Added Producer Grant (VAPG) program to help farmers and ranchers enter into value-added activities related to the processing and marketing of bio-based products. In FY 2009, the program prioritized applications from Beginning and Socially Disadvantaged Farmers or Ranchers by awarding priority points in scoring to applicants and reserving a percentage of available funds to those meeting program requirements.

Grant funds are available for economic planning activities such as feasibility studies, business plans, and marketing plans to establish a value-added marketing opportunity for an agricultural product; and for working capital activities to pay expenses related to operating a viable value-added business venture, subject to conditions.

Tell Us Your Story

USDA is implementing the $28 billion provided in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). Give us your feedback and tell us how the Recovery Act is helping in your local communities. All comments will be posted within 24 hours or less.

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