Palestinian “Diamonds” of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Posted by Joshua W. Walker / October 17, 2012

Members of the U.S. delegation to the Partners for a New Beginning Celebration of Innovation Conference pose for a photograph with Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad in Ramallah, October 7, 2012. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]

The image of the Palestinian Territories, for most outsiders who have never had the chance to visit the ruggedly beautiful terrain, typically only involves the political stalemate that overshadows the incredible creativity and inventiveness of the Palestinian people. In many ways Palestinians seem to have entrepreneurship in their DNA. I had the opportunity to witness this first hand on a recent visit to the region, where I accompanied U.S. Special Representative for Global Partnerships Kris Balderston. He was leading a delegation of American entrepreneurs and investors seeking to harness this entrepreneurial spirit and celebrate the culture of innovation in the West Bank.

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