Future Directions for NIAID HIV Research: Consider and Comment

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is developing a series of blog posts here on related to planning for the future of NIAID’s HIV/AIDS clinical trial networks. Each blog post focuses on specific aspects of the network restructuring in which NIAID is seeking input from the broader research and HIV/AIDS communities.

The following blogs posts have been posted and are open for comments (with more on the way):

    We welcome your feedback and suggestions!



    1. Julie Sam says:

      I am concerned about HIV being dormant inside the body and blood tests undect HIV. I slept with my spouse when he was very much infected and I have been having spasms in my body and now my doctor said I have tendonitis but my pain moves around in my body and I have been experienceing this since this year and I had slept with him in 2007. I also have night sweats but I got tested like 3 months ago and i was negative. Do you work on any patients who are affected by HIV and are on any trials for meds maybe PrEP? hope to hear from you soon. thanks Julie


      My dream was that when i retire from Government service, i would put up a non-profit making laboratory in my region for the under privileged to be tested for free. How would i do this? I needed help from some of this grants to put up a big referral lab and equip it with the mordan technology. WHY? These services are not near rural people and if they are, very expensive. How can we come out with a clear stastical data to measure our progress because most people affected are poor? The song will continue!!

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