Ongoing Concerns on Rule of Law in Sri Lanka

Press Statement
Mark C. Toner
Deputy Spokesperson
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
December 7, 2012

The United States remains deeply concerned about actions surrounding the ongoing impeachment trial of Sri Lankan Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake. As Embassy Colombo’s statement noted earlier today, we urge the Government of Sri Lanka to guarantee due process, and to ensure that all investigations are conducted transparently and in accordance with the rule of law.

These latest developments are part of a disturbing deterioration of democratic norms in Sri Lanka, including infringement on the independence of the judiciary. The United States, along with our partners in the international community, continues to urge Sri Lanka to uphold the rule of law and democratic governance and to continue to address outstanding accountability and reconciliation issues.

Typhoon Bopha

Press Statement
Mark C. Toner
Deputy Spokesperson
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
December 5, 2012

The United States offers condolences for the destruction and loss of life in the southern Philippines and the widespread damage to populated areas in Palau caused by Typhoon Bopha. Our embassies in Manila and Koror have offered immediate disaster relief assistance, and we are working closely with authorities in both countries to offer additional assistance as needed. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by this tragedy.

Recent Israeli Announcements on Settlements

Press Statement
Mark C. Toner
Deputy Spokesperson
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
December 3, 2012

The United States opposes all unilateral actions, including West Bank settlement activity and housing construction in East Jerusalem, as they complicate efforts to resume direct, bilateral negotiations, and risk prejudging the outcome of those negotiations. This includes building in the E-1 area as this area is particularly sensitive and construction there would be especially damaging to efforts to achieve a two-state solution. ‪ ‪

We have made clear to the Israeli Government that such action is contrary to U.S. policy. The United States and the international community expect all parties to play a constructive role in efforts to achieve peace. ‪We urge the parties to cease unilateral actions and take concrete steps to return to direct negotiations so all the issues can be discussed and the goal of two states living side by side in peace and security can be realized.

Alan Gross Begins Fourth Year of Unjust Imprisonment

Press Statement
Mark C. Toner
Deputy Spokesperson
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
December 3, 2012

Tomorrow Alan Gross will begin his fourth year of unjustified imprisonment in Cuba. He was arrested on December 3, 2009 and later given a 15-year prison sentence by Cuban authorities for simply facilitating communications between Cuba’s Jewish community and the rest of the world.

Mr. Gross is a 63-year-old husband, father, and dedicated professional with a long history of providing assistance and support to underserved communities in more than 50 countries.

Since his arrest, Mr. Gross has lost more than 100 pounds and suffers from severe degenerative arthritis that affects his mobility, and other health problems. His family is anxious to evaluate whether he is receiving appropriate medical treatment, something that can best be determined by having a doctor of his own choosing examine him.

We continue to ask the Cuban Government to grant Alan Gross’s request to travel to the United States to visit his 90-year-old mother, Evelyn Gross, who is gravely ill. This is a humanitarian issue.

The Cuban government should release Alan Gross and return him to his family, where he belongs.

Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine

Press Statement
Mark C. Toner
Acting Spokesperson
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
October 29, 2012

The United States Government is concerned that the conduct of Sunday’s parliamentary elections constituted a step backwards from progress made during previous parliamentary elections and the 2010 presidential election, elections that had marked important steps forward for Ukraine’s democracy.

We share the concerns cited in today’s preliminary report from observation missions from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s (OSCE) Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the European Parliament, and the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. These include the use of government resources to favor ruling party candidates, interference with media access, and harassment of opposition candidates. While election day was peaceful overall and observed by a large number of domestic and international observers, we are troubled by allegations of fraud and falsification in the voting process and tabulation, by the disparity between preliminary results from the Central Election Commission and parallel vote tabulations, and by the Central Election Commission’s decision not to release precinct results. We also reiterate our deep concern that the politically motivated convictions of opposition leaders, including of former Prime Minister Tymoshenko, prevented them from standing in these elections. We again call on the Government to put an immediate end to the selective prosecution of political opponents.

The United States will continue to support the Ukrainian people’s aspirations for an independent, prosperous and democratic Ukraine. We regret that flawed parliamentary elections do not advance Ukraine toward this goal, but we remain committed to working with Ukraine to improve democratic institutions, strengthen the rule of law, and advance essential economic reforms.

Violence in Lebanon

Press Statement
Mark C. Toner
Acting Spokesperson
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
May 21, 2012

We are concerned by the security situation in Lebanon following the shooting of Sheikh Ahmad Abdul Wahad and Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Merheb near a Lebanese Army checkpoint in the northern region of Akkar. The United States expresses its sincere condolences for the loss of life. We welcome the commitment of the Lebanese Government and the Lebanese Armed Forces to conduct a swift and transparent investigation of the shooting incident, and we call on all parties to exercise restraint and respect for Lebanon’s security and stability.

Military Violence in Guinea-Bissau

Press Statement
Mark C. Toner
Deputy Spokesperson
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
April 14, 2012

We strongly condemn the attempt by certain elements of the military to forcibly seize power and undermine the legitimate civilian leadership of Guinea-Bissau. We regret that they have chosen to disrupt the democratic process, which already was challenged by the opposition’s call to boycott the second round of elections.

We urge all parties to put down their weapons, release government leaders immediately, and restore the legitimate civilian leadership.

We are deeply concerned about the safety of all those in Bissau, and call for maximum restraint on all sides. We will continue to work with our partners in the region and beyond as we monitor developments on the ground.