Public Health Emergency - Leading a Nation PreparedPreparednessEmergencyAbout ASPRUnited States Department of Health and Human Services
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    Preparedness: Chatfield

    by PHEgov 198 views

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    by PHEgov 1,134 views

  3. 4
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    Preparedness: Otting

    by PHEgov 147 views

The National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) is a federally coordinated system that augments the Nation's medical response capability. The overall purpose of the NDMS is to supplement an integrated National medical response capability for assisting State and local authorities in dealing with the medical impacts of major peacetime disasters and to provide support to the military and the Department of Veterans Affairs medical systems in caring for casualties evacuated back to the U.S. from overseas armed conventional conflicts.

About U.S. Public Health and Medical Services Support

Leading a Nation Prepared - Public Health on Youtube provides cross-governmental public health risk and situational awareness video. Your one stop for all public health preparedness, response and recovery video information.


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