Girls Rule the (Sports) World: Mentoring the Next Generation of Global Women Leaders in Sports

Posted by Ann Stock / September 07, 2012

Ann Stock serves as Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs.

On Thursday, I met with 17 inspiring women from Australia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kenya, Macedonia, Nigeria, the Philippines, Russia, Rwanda, Tajikistan, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Individually, they're up-and-comers in the world of sports -- as athletes, coaches, reporters, and managers. Together, they're the inaugural class of the U.S. Department of State and espnW Global Sports Mentoring Program. The group arrived at the State Department this morning for an orientation to kick off their month-long mentorships with leading American women in sports-related fields.

For the next four weeks, these emerging leaders will work alongside their American mentors from ESPN headquarters in Bristol, Connecticut, to Procter and Gamble in Cincinnati, Ohio, to Saatchi and Saatchi in Los Angeles, California. Together, they'll craft action plans to give more women and girls worldwide the opportunity to participate in sports.

The Global Sports Mentoring Program builds on the growing evidence that girls who play sports are more likely to go to school, more likely to increase their earning power, and more likely to increase their participation and contribution to society.

As Secretary Clinton has said, "We believe in the power of sports."

In a year when Americans celebrated the 40th anniversary of Title IX and the world celebrated the successes of women at the 30th Summer Olympiad in London, these emerging leaders and their American mentors are taking the next step to ensure that through sports, women and girls can do anything.

Stay tuned for Twitter updates @AnnatState!

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Saja in Bangladesh writes:

Your writes of blog are really helpful for me. I don't know about '' I got many threads and Important points after visiting this website. I will come back again to visit this site and waiting for the next post.

Posted on Tue Oct 09, 2012

Saja in Bangladesh writes:

In the third world, women are second position than men. But in the first world, men and women both are same in any task. although in our country woman is the prime minister as a first leader.

Posted on Thu Sep 13, 2012

Ashim C. in India writes:

thanks for including india. in implementing this program one must acknowledge that india is a multiethnic confluence of quite of large number of races. each has it's own physical and mental capabilities. hence one finds that a particular ethnic group excel in a particular discipline. here one would like to mention that people of north east, tribals of india generally have natural energy, agility and endurance and can become excellant track and field athletes with little nurturing and training from indian corporate sector. indian middle class has become health conscious and values sports to considerable extent. they need to be exposed to modern training methods through dedicated sports training channels in vernacular languages with sufficient dose of glamour. i hope espn reads this piece.

Posted on Sat Sep 08, 2012

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