  • 35 videos

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by USPHSCommissionedCorps

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  1. 2
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    Profiles in Public Health: LCDR Tammy Rodriguez

    by PHSCommissionedCorps 128 views

  2. 3
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    NEW Website Tutorial

    by PHSCommissionedCorps 973 views

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    UPSHS Video Tour - Northwest Detention Center

    by PHSCommissionedCorps 903 views

  7. 13
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  8. 15
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  9. 16
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    JRCOSTEP Profile: ENS Ryan Van Ramshorst

    by PHSCommissionedCorps 502 views

  16. 25
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    Profiles In Public Health: LT Heather Silvio

    by PHSCommissionedCorps 382 views

  17. 26
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    Profiles In Public Health: CAPT Paul Andreason

    by PHSCommissionedCorps 176 views

  18. 27
    Thumbnail 1:53

    Profiles in Public Health: CDR Thomas Pryor, Nurse

    by PHSCommissionedCorps 1,848 views

  19. 28
    Thumbnail 1:34
  20. 30
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    America's Health Responders

    by PHSCommissionedCorps 3,151 views

  21. 31
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  22. 32
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  23. 33
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  24. 34
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    Profiles In Public Health: CDR Thomas Pryor, Nurse

    by PHSCommissionedCorps 3,195 views

  25. 35
    Thumbnail 6:14

About USPHSCommissionedCorps

Answering the Call

The U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps is an elite team of public health professionals who serve on the front lines in the Nation's fight against disease and poor health conditions. Corps officers provide essential public health care services to underserved and disadvantaged populations. We also provide urgently needed public health and clinical expertise in response to large-scale local, regional, and national public health emergencies and disasters.

Answering the Call

The U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps is an elite team of public health professionals who serve on the front lines in the Nation's fight against disease and poor health conditions. Corps officers provide essential p...


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