Global Hunger: Let’s Talk Game Change

A farmer sows wheat at Chunnikhel, Katmandu, Nepal, Nov. 15, 2011. [AP File Photo]

About the Author: Paul Weisenfeld serves as Assistant to the Administrator, USAID Bureau of Food Security.

For weeks now, my teenage daughter and her friends have been buzzing about the release of the new film The Hunger Games. I asked her recently about the trilogy — she’d already read the books — and I was struck by how much the premise relates to the very heart of what we are trying to address at USAID and through Feed the Future. Among other themes, the book touches on the fundamental right everyone should have: access to food.

As a father, nothing is more important to me than ensuring my daughter has a happy life. Sure, this includes her ability to hang out with friends at the movies (after her homework is done, of course). But more importantly, it means she’s healthy enough to go to school and work toward opportunities for a bright future. Kids all over the world deserve the… more »

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