October 2012
57 posts
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Nepal: Security Sector Reform Helps Build Peace...
About the Author: Jack Detsch serves in the Office of Plans, Policy, and Analysis(PM/PPA) in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs. He is a senior at George Washington University. Security Sector Reform is a critical mission for the U.S. Department of State. In partnership with the U.S. Department of Defense, we help nations turn the page on past practices and establish effective and...
Oct 17th
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World Food Day: A Call To Action To End Global...
About the Author: Jonathan Shrier serves as Acting Special Representative for Global Food Security. World Food Day is a reminder and call to action for the international community to strengthen efforts to end world hunger and malnutrition. Today, nearly one billion people suffer from chronic hunger, which means that they do not get enough food to satisfy their body’s basic nutritional...
Oct 17th
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Travel Diary: Women as Drivers of Growth and...
More: Trip Page | Interactive Travel Map Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton traveled to Lima, Peru, on October 15 and 16. In Peru, she met with Peruvian President Ollanta Humala to discuss bilateral and regional cooperation. After her meeting with the President, Secretary Clinton said: “…The United States and Peru work together on many shared challenges and priorities. We...
Oct 16th
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Oct 16th
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Oct 16th
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Remarks After Her Meeting With Peruvian President...
Remarks Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State Palacio de Gobierno Lima, Peru October 15, 2012 Well, thank you very much, Mr. President, for the warm welcome. I’m delighted to be back here in Lima. I have been looking forward to tomorrow’s conference as we discuss ways to tap the potential of women and further social inclusion and economic progress here in Peru. I think it is very...
Oct 16th
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Taking Democracy to a New Scale
About the Author: Tomicah Tillemann serves as the Secretary of State’s Senior Advisor for Civil Society and Emerging Democracies. Today, I’ve come together with more than 500 activists, academics, and policymakers to participate in the World Movement for Democracy’s Seventh Assembly in Lima, Peru. The Assembly is a key gathering for civil society leaders from dozens of...
Oct 16th
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Oct 15th
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Background Briefing Prior to the Secretary's Visit...
Special Briefing Senior Administration Official, Office of the Spokesperson En Route Lima, Peru October 15, 2012 MODERATOR: Good morning, everyone. Just to take a few minutes of your time, we’ll do a backgrounder with two Senior Administration Officials. So you know who they are, we have [Senior Administration Official One], and we have [Senior Administration Official Two]. She’ll be giving...
Oct 15th
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Oct 15th
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Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Visits Peru
More: Trip Page | Interactive Travel Map Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will travel to Lima, Peru, on October 15 and 16. In Peru, she will meet with Peruvian President Ollanta Humala to discuss bilateral and regional cooperation. She will also participate in an international conference on women’s financial inclusion — Power: Women as Drivers of Growth and Social Inclusion...
Oct 15th
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Solar Panels Bring Electricity to Remote Areas of...
About the Author: Jeremy Peterson serves as the General Services Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Paramaribo, Suriname. Earlier this month I had the opportunity to participate in the Peace Corps Legacy Project, which documents the sustainable projects people of Suriname have carried out with the help of Peace Corps volunteers during the organization’s 17 years in country. The group I...
Oct 14th
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Photo of the Week: Raising the Status of Girls...
About the Author: Alison Bauerlein serves as an editor for DipNote and a Foreign Service Officer in the Office of Digital Engagement. This week’s “Photo of the Week” comes to us from USAID/Vietnam’s Richard Nyberg, who took this photo in the central highlands of Vietnam on October 9, 2010. The young girl pictured is one of the many ethnic minority girls benefiting from the...
Oct 13th
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Oct 12th
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Oct 12th
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In Germany, Representing My Family and Country
About the Author: Robert Perls serves as the Vice Consul at the U.S. Consulate General in Frankfurt, Germany. Today, the personal and professional intersected when I had the opportunity to honor my grandfather, Fritz Perls. With his wife Lore, he invented Gestalt Therapy, a dramatic departure from traditional Freudian therapy, and revolutionized the field of psychology. On October 12, they and...
Oct 12th
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International Day of the Girl: To Give Girls...
About the Author: Melanne Verveer serves as Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues. As the world comes together to mark the first-ever International Day of the Girl on October 11, we are filled with hope, but also a sense of urgency. Just this week, a masked Pakistani Taliban militant attempted to assassinate Malala Yousufzai — a 14 year-old Pakistani schoolgirl — on...
Oct 12th
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It Starts With One: Alumni, Youth Empowerment,...
About the Author: Jeff Weinshenker serves as a Public Diplomacy Officer in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs. It all starts with one. One idea. One individual. One community. And one vision for a better future. It starts with Juan Pablo in Bolivia teaching at-risk youth how to express themselves through sports and culture, developing their own identity so others won’t define it...
Oct 12th
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Supporting Girls and Young Women in Post-Conflict...
About the Author: Margaret Pollack serves as Senior Advisor on Population Issues in the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration. Today, on the first International Day of the Girl Child, it’s important to remember some of the most vulnerable girls in the world — those living in post-conflict or other humanitarian settings. The special vulnerabilities of young women and...
Oct 12th
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Oct 11th
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Death of Qassim M. Aklan
Press Statement Victoria Nuland Department Spokesperson, Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC October 11, 2012 We are deeply saddened by the killing of Qassim M. Aklan, a longtime employee of the U.S. Embassy in Sana’a. We condemn this vicious act in the strongest terms possible and extend our deepest condolences to his family and friends at this difficult time. Mr. Aklan, a Yemeni...
Oct 11th
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Oct 10th
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Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Archbishop Desmond Tutu deliver remarks to a group of visiting Girl Scouts in honor of the first-ever International Day of the Girl on October 11 at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C. [Go to http://video.state.gov for more video and text transcript.]
Oct 10th
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Music Diplomacy: Communicating in a Universal...
About the Author: Ann Stock serves as Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs. We broke new musical ground with two innovative programs, CenterStage and OneBeat. CenterStage brings performing artists from Haiti, Indonesia and Pakistan to perform in 60 small and mid-sized cities, giving Main Street America a chance to experience international culture without stepping...
Oct 10th
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Conversations With America: Promoting Disability...
Judith Heumann, Special Advisor for International Disability Rights, will hold a conversation with Ann Cody, Director of Policy and Global Outreach for BlazeSports America, and Kirk Bauer, Executive Director of Disabled Sports USA, on “Promoting Disability Rights.” The discussion will be moderated by Cheryl Benton, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, and will be...
Oct 9th
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Accomplishments at the Human Rights Council 21st...
About the Author: Ambassador Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe serves as the U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN Human Rights Council. The United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva just concluded its 21st session, which was the last regular session of the United States’ first term on the Council.  Since we joined in 2009, working together with a broad range of cross regional partners,...
Oct 8th
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Oct 8th
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Six-Year Anniversary of the Murder of Anna...
Press Statement Victoria Nuland, Department Spokesperson Washington, DC October 6, 2012 Six years ago on October 7, renowned journalist Anna Politkovskaya was shot and killed in her apartment building. With her death, the Russian people lost a voice that courageously sought to report the truth. Today we remember Anna’s legacy both as a journalist and as a champion of human dignity. Justice will...
Oct 7th
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Oct 7th
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Embassies and Consulates Help Overseas U.S....
About the Author: Jack Markey serves as Deputy Director of American Citizen Services in the Bureau of Consular Affairs. Your vote counts, wherever you are! If you forgot to register and/or request a ballot, there’s still time to cast your vote, but you’ll have to act fast. Register and/or request a ballot today using the federal post card application at www.FVAP.gov. Select the...
Oct 6th
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Burma's Women Give Hope for Country's Future
About the Author: Melanne Verveer serves as Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues. 2012 has been a remarkable year for Burma. Under President Thein Sein’s leadership, we have seen electoral reforms, the release of hundreds of political prisoners, the formalizing of diplomatic relations between our two countries, and Aung San Suu Kyi’s historic visit to the United...
Oct 6th
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Happy World Teachers’ Day!
About the Author: Ann Stock serves as Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs. To mobilize support for teachers worldwide and to ensure we can meet the educational needs of future generations, the State Department celebrates the 19th annual UNESCO World Teachers’ Day. Whether through an alphabet lesson or a taste of astrophysics, teachers are at the start of...
Oct 5th
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Oct 4th
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Terrorist Designations of Ansar al-Sharia as an...
Media Note Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC October 4, 2012 The Department of State amended the Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) and E.O. 13224 designations of al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula to include the new alias, Ansar al-Shari’a (AAS). The Department of State previously designated AQAP as an FTO and under E.O. 13224 on January 19, 2010. AAS – which is based in Yemen and...
Oct 4th
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Oct 3rd
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Accomplishments at the Human Rights Council 21st...
Press Statement Victoria Nuland Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC October 3, 2012 The United States commends the important achievements of the Human Rights Council in promoting and protecting human rights during its recently concluded 21st session. Early in the session, the United States, together with a cross-regional core group comprising the Czech Republic, Indonesia, Lithuania,...
Oct 3rd
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TechCamp Kyiv Equips Tomorrow’s Global Citizens...
About the Author: Jamie Findlater serves as New Media Advsior in the Office of eDiplomacy. On September 12 and 13 in Kyiv, Ukraine, the U.S. Department of State hosted the 13th TechCamp, a program initiated to build the digital literacy of civil society organizations around the world. TechCamp Kyiv, themed “Creating a Global Citizen: Building Schools without Walls,” brought together...
Oct 3rd
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Oct 3rd
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Celebrating 15 Years of the Chemical Weapons...
About the Author: Ambassador Robert Mikulak serves as the U.S. Permanent Representative to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. At the end of the Cold War, the United States joined together with other nations to pledge, in the unequivocal language of the Preamble to the Chemical Weapons Convention, “for the sake of all mankind, to exclude completely the possibility of...
Oct 3rd
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Oct 2nd
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U.S. Department of State Welcomes Teachers from...
Media Note Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC October 2, 2012 The U.S. Department of State announced today that 68 American teachers and 19 international teachers will be honored on UNESCO’s World Teachers’ Day in Washington, D.C. on October 5. The U.S. teachers participated in theBureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs’ Teachers for Global Classrooms program, and the international...
Oct 2nd
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Strategic Dialogue on International Travel:...
About the Author: Janice L. Jacobs serves as Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs. As the Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs, I had the distinct pleasure today of briefing leaders from the travel and tourism industry on the strides we and our partners have made in transforming how we facilitate travel by legitimate visitors to the United States, while maintaining the highest...
Oct 2nd
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Oct 2nd
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The Youth Livelihoods Alliance: Joining Forces for...
About the Author: Zeenat Rahman serves as Secretary Clinton’s Special Adviser on Global Youth Issues. As I speak with young people from around the globe, I find striking similarities. They are full of innovation, creativity, and talent. People under 30 are the first generation of youth that can consider themselves a global entity. They see themselves as global citizens and want to connect...
Oct 2nd
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Meeting of the Advisory Committee on International...
Media Note Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC October 2, 2012 The Advisory Committee on International Economic Policy (ACIEP) will meet on Wednesday, October 3 at 2:00 p.m. in room 1107 of the Harry S. Truman Building. Hosted by Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs Jose W. Fernandez and Committee Chairman Theodore Kassinger, the meeting will last until...
Oct 2nd
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Oct 2nd
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From Visas to Visitors—More Travel, More Tourists,...
About the Author: Tara Sonenshine serves as Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs. We at the State Department are well aware of the dynamic global tourism market of the 21st century — and the opportunities it presents to expand our trade and investment everywhere. So we are working to promote and support our own travel and tourism industry to engender jobs and...
Oct 2nd
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Oct 2nd
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Remarks at the Forum on Small States Opening...
Remarks Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State United Nations New York City October 1, 2012 SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you very much, Foreign Minister, and thanks also to the Secretary General and the UN General Assembly President for their remarks and for their leadership. I’m delighted to have been invited by Singapore to join you at the Forum of Small States to mark the 20th anniversary of...
Oct 2nd
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Oct 2nd
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