  • 10 videos
  • 12:34 duration
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  1. 1
    Thumbnail 2:24

    AIT Passenger Checkpoint Video

    by TSAHQpublicaffairs 43,664 views

  2. 2
    Thumbnail 1:23

    Talk to TSA

    by TSAHQpublicaffairs 3,524 views

  3. 3
    Thumbnail 1:01

    TSA - Three Simple Steps

    by TSAHQpublicaffairs 19,842 views

  4. 4
    Thumbnail 1:29

    TSA - Traveling with Children

    by TSAHQpublicaffairs 15,801 views

  5. 5
    Thumbnail 1:00

    TSA - Why Shoes?

    by TSAHQpublicaffairs 12,624 views

  6. 6
    Thumbnail 1:30

    Secure Flight

    by TSAHQpublicaffairs 11,387 views

  7. 7
    Thumbnail 1:01

    TSA - Why ID?

    by TSAHQpublicaffairs 5,948 views

  8. 8
    Thumbnail 1:01

    TSA - Why Liquids?

    by TSAHQpublicaffairs 11,713 views

  9. 9
    Thumbnail 1:01

    TSA - Choose Your Lane

    by TSAHQpublicaffairs 7,338 views

  10. 10
    Thumbnail 0:44

    Wondering Why TSA Searched Your Bag?

    by TSAHQpublicaffairs 8,659 views

About Transportation Security Administration

Welcome to the YouTube channel of the Transportation Security Administration. Here you will find videos that support agency's mission to protect the Nation's transportation systems to ensure freedom of movement for people and commerce. To contact TSA, please visit

Welcome to the YouTube channel of the Transportation Security Administration. Here you will find videos that support agency's mission to protect the Nation's transportation systems to ensure freedom of movement for people and commerce. To contact ...


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