Secretary Clinton: Travel to Senegal, South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, and Benin

July 31, 2012 to August 10, 2012

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Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton traveled to Africa July 31 through August 10, 2012. During this trip, the Secretary emphasized U.S. policy commitments outlined in the Presidential Policy Directive - to strengthen democratic institutions, spur economic growth, advance peace and security as well as promote opportunity and development for all citizens.

The Secretary’s first stop was Senegal, where she met President Sall and other national leaders and delivered a speech applauding the resilience of Senegal's democratic institutions and highlighting America's approach to partnership.

08/01/2012  Meeting With Staff and Families of U.S. Embassy Dakar
08/01/2012  Remarks Following Meeting With Senegalese President Macky Sall
08/01/2012  Remarks on Building Sustainable Partnerships in Africa

Next, Secretary Clinton traveled to South Sudan where she met with President Kiir to reaffirm U.S. support and to encourage progress in negotiations with Sudan to reach agreement on issues related to security, oil and citizenship.

08/03/2012  Press Availability With South Sudanese Foreign Minister Nhial Deng

In Uganda, the Secretary met with President Museveni to encourage strengthening of democratic institutions and human rights, while also reinforcing Uganda as a key U.S. partner in promoting regional security, particularly in regard to Somalia and in regional efforts to counter the Lord’s Resistance Army. She also highlighted U.S. support in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

08/03/2012  Remarks at Presentation of Human Rights Defenders Award
08/03/2012  Remarks at Reach Out Mbuya Health Center
08/03/2012  Remarks to Staff and Families of U.S. Embassy Kampala

The Secretary then traveled to Kenya where she met President Kibaki, Prime Minister Odinga, and other government officials to emphasize her support for transparent, credible, nonviolent national elections in 2013. To underscore U.S. support for completing the political transition in Somalia by August 20th, Secretary Clinton met with President Sheikh Sharif and other signatories to the Roadmap to End the Transition.

08/04/2012  Background Briefing on Secretary Clinton's Travel to Africa
08/04/2012  Remarks Following a Meeting With Kenyan Chief Justice Willy Mutunga
08/04/2012  Remarks at a Meeting With Somali Roadmap Signatories
08/04/2012  Remarks at a Meeting With Staff and Families of Embassy Nairobi
08/04/2012  Remarks at a Meeting With the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission and Civil Society Followed by a Press Availability

The Secretary continued her trip in Malawi, visiting President Banda to discuss economic and political governance and reform.

08/05/2012  Remarks to Staff and Families of U.S. Embassy Lilongwe
08/05/2012  Remarks at Camp GLOW, Peace Corps, PEPFAR Event
08/05/2012  Remarks at Feed the Future Lumbadzi Milk Bulking Event
08/05/2012  Remarks With President Joyce Banda Before Their Meeting

In South Africa, Secretary Clinton paid her respects to former President Mandela and participated in the U.S.-South Africa Strategic Dialogue focusing on the partnership between our two countries in addressing issues of mutual concern and our shared challenges on the African and world stage. Secretary Clinton was accompanied by a U.S. business delegation.

08/08/2012  Remarks at a Visit to Delft South Clinic and PEPFAR Transition Signing
08/08/2012  Meeting With Staff and Families of U.S. Embassy Cape Town
08/08/2012  Remarks: The United States - South Africa Partnership: Going Global
08/07/2012  Remarks With South African Foreign Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane Before Their Meeting
08/07/2012  Remarks at a Dinner Hosted by South African Foreign Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane
08/07/2012  Remarks With South African Foreign Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane After Their Meeting
08/07/2012  Remarks at Meeting With U.S. and South African Business Leaders
08/07/2012  Remarks at the Top of the Secretary's Meeting with AU Chair-Designate Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma
08/06/2012  Remarks at the U.S.-South Africa Business Partnership Summit

In Nigeria Secretary Clinton met with President Goodluck Jonathan and Nigerian anticorruption leaders in Abuja. She reaffirmed U.S. support for Nigeria's efforts on our shared concerns.

08/09/2012 Background Briefing En Route Abuja, Nigeria
08/09/2012 Meeting With Staff and Families of U.S. Embassy Abuja
08/09/2012  Remarks Following Expanded Meeting With President Goodluck Jonathan and the National Security Council

Secretary Clinton visited Ghana to attend the funeral of late President John Atta Mills.  Lastly, the Secretary visited Benin to meet with President Boni Yayi in Cotonou.

08/10/2012 Remarks Following Her Meeting With Beninese President Boni Yayi
08/09/2012 Background Briefing in Accra, Ghana

08/07/2012  Joint Statement on the 2012 South Africa-United States Strategic Dialogue
08/04/2012  Statement on the Oil Agreement Between South Sudan and Sudan
08/03/2012  Secretary Clinton Highlights U.S. Support for HIV/AIDS Prevention in Uganda

Secretary's Schedule
Public Schedule for August 10, 2012
Public Schedule for August 9, 2012
Public Schedule for August 8, 2012
Public Schedule for August 7, 2012
Public Schedule for August 6, 2012
Public Schedule for August 5, 2012
Public Schedule for August 4, 2012
Public Schedule for August 3, 2012
Public Schedule for August 2, 2012
Public Schedule for August 1, 2012

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