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Office of Workforce Investment - Functions of the
Division of Adult Services

Division of Adult Services
Primary Functions
Christine D. K. Ollis
Division Chief
Workforce Solutions and Investment Older Workers/Disabilities, Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers, and Native Americans Performance, Budget, and Administrative Support
  • Provide program direction and policy development for WIA, Wagner-Peyser, and targeted adult programs
  • Provide policy guidance and direction to the workforce system on issues related to workforce preparation and talent development investments, including Eligible Training Provider issues
  • Develop and implement innovative, dual customer workforce development models.
  • Promote the development and implementation of innovative workforce education strategies for occupations in high-growth/high-demand industries
  • Promote the development and implementation of innovative workforce education strategies that enable low-skilled adults to embark on career pathways and earn family sustaining wages.
  • Provide guidance to the workforce system on integrated solutions-based service delivery strategies for skills assessment, career guidance strategies, business engagement, approaches to leveraging resources, etc.
  • Provide program direction and policy development for the Senior Community Service and Employment, Navigator, Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker 167 grants, and Indian and Native American Programs
  • Promote development of innovative, integrated, and demand-driven workforce solutions for targeted populations
  • Provide ETA-wide coordination on issues related to special populations
  • Manage grant solicitations
  • Select grant management
  • Support, coordination, and T/A for Regional FPOs and grantees
  • Oversee performance management for all adult programs including direction and technical assistance on monitoring performance and developing performance improvement strategies
  • Work collaboratively with PROTECH on program reporting requirements and common performance measurement
  • Coordinate development of performance budget proposals for all adult programs
  • Provide administrative support to the entire division: reception; correspondence management; finalize program directives; OMB packages; Federal Register notices; travel management; procurement; special data base management; supplies management; maintenance of division files; and Web site management