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Quarterly Steward

Spring 2009

 buildling on the Hagadone homestead
Worth Keeping
by Craig Flentie, Lewistown FO
The Lewistown Field Office is pleased to announce that on January 29, 2009, the Frank Hagadone Homestead site was added to the National Register of Historic Places.  The well-preserved homestead sits on public land about 20 miles north of Winifred, Mont., and is one of the features that contributes to the uniqueness of the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument.   [Read full story]  

part of the Weatherman Draw acquisition
Land Donation Secures Access to Weatherman Draw 
by Mary Apple, MSO

It’s not often that the Billings Field Office gets a Christmas present. Sure, sometimes a box of candy shows up (the contents of which disappear in mere seconds), and there’s usually a smattering of Christmas cards taped up around the office. But this year it received 615 acres (the box was HUGE, and the gift wrap alone must have cost a fortune!).  [Read full story]

Mustang Escorts Montana Soldier's Body to Arlington
by Chelsi Moy of the Missoulian 

When Marine Corps Sgt. Trevor J. Johnson of Forsyth is laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia on Tuesday, a small symbol of the fallen soldier's ranching roots will help carry him there.  It seems only appropriate that Johnson - a fifth-generation Montanan who grew up riding horses, herding cattle and mending fences - be escorted to his burial plot by Lonesome, a black mustang that once roamed the prairies and forested trails of this state.   [Read full story

Velvett Cummins
Internship Turns Permanent
by Ann Boucher, MSO

Velvett Cummins is a keeper.  A business student at Rocky Mountain College, Cummins took a temporary position at the Montana State Office last June to fulfill an internship requirement. Although it was slated to last only a few months, the arrangement has turned long term – with benefits all around. Cummins has since landed a permanent job with the BLM, the BLM has gained a skilled employee, and Rocky is claiming another internship success story. [Read full story]

the road after hydroseeding
Well Pad and Road Disappear Without a Trace

by Craig Flentie, Lewistown Field Office

The tract had been leased for oil and gas development and the leaseholder filed an application to drill a wildcat well.   It’s a common scenario across our public lands, and while some leases are more easily developed and restored, others provide many complications.  [Read full story