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Welcome to the HiLine RMP Website

Interagency Team Meeting Schedule

Planning Overview

Planning Process



Area Photo Gallery



The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is developing a resource management plan (RMP) and environmental impact statement (EIS) for the HiLine District in northcentral Montana.

The purpose of the HiLine RMP is to provide a single, comprehensive land use plan to guide management of public lands and minerals administered by the HiLine District. The plan provides goals, objectives, land use allocations, and management direction to maintain, improve, or enhance resource conditions and to provide for long-term benefits to the public.

The need for the revision is the result of considerable changes within the planning area since completion of the Judith-Valley-Phillips RMP and the West HiLine RMP. Additional plan amendments and maintenance actions are not adequate to address these changes, which include increased oil and gas leasing, exploration and development activities, heightened public awareness and interest in BLM management actions and permitted uses, increased demand for recreational use of public lands, increased conflicts between land use and wildlife/wildlife habitat, changes in BLM policy, and expanded scientific knowledge and data.

An integral component of the planning process is public involvement. Cooperating agencies are working with the BLM interdisciplinary team during the development of the Draft RMP/EIS, and the public will have well-publicized opportunities to participate in public meetings and provide their written comments and suggestions on the Draft RMP/EIS.

This website will provide you with the latest information on the development of the RMP/EIS, including background documents, schedule, maps, meeting notices, and newsletters.

Contact Us:

Brian Hockett, Planning & Environmental Coordinator 
Bureau of Land Management 
3990 HWY 2 West, P.O. Box 911
Havre, MT 59501 

Jerry Majerus, Project Manager
Bureau of Land Management 
920 NE Main Street
Lewistown, MT 59457

or email: BLM_MT_HiLine_RMP@blm.gov




Last updated: 06-28-2012