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Lands Records
Image of GLO Records Office
How to Use this Site
NEW: Our New Utah Land Record site has been redesigned to allow you to find and access all of our Master Title Plats, Historical Indexes, Cadastral Surveys, and Cadastral Fieldnotes in one location. Searching for land records, plats, and documents has never been easier.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Our Mission
The BLM collects, analyzes, and records a tremendous amount of business information about the public lands and resources, ranging from land title to recreational usage to wildlife habitat.  Much of this data is geographic in nature and is best understood when displayed and analyzed in spatial form using automated geographic information systems.  This data/information is used to make thousands of business decisions each year.  We recognize that this business information is of great utility and value to wide variety of other parties, including public land users; education institutions; public interest groups; other Federal, State, Tribal and local agencies, and the scientific community.

Today, with the explosive growth of the Internet and use of Personal Computers in over 40% of all homes in the United States, expectations of our employees, citizens, and businesses having transactions with the BLM have significantly changed. 

Today, access, speed and accuracy are key components of the information age.  To keep pace with our public responsibility, it is now necessary to begin the business reengineering process that can take place using new technology to improve service, reduce cost, and meet our public obligations.  The Land Record Modernization and Improvement Project (LR-MIP) is a first step in Utah meeting that requirement. 


Master Title Plats (MTPs).
The MTP is a graphic depiction of current land status on a drafted map affecting one particular township.  There are other plats included in the MTP plat group:  i.e. Oil  & Gas, Coal, Potash, and other lease mineral plats which are a graphic depiction of the current lease status on a drafted map affecting one particular township. Search for Master Title Plat electronic images on this website at:

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Historical Indexes (HI).
The HI is a narrative summary of use and title transactions affecting one particular township.  The (MTP/HI) records were created from the original township Tract Books.  As changes occur within a specific township they are submitted to the State Office for update to reflect land status changes approved by the BLM and other agencies.  These official records are maintained on file in the State Office and should be available for use by both internal BLM staff and the general public to determine land availability, land status, and title/use information.  Utah has 2,587 townships with corresponding MTPs.  Additionally, there are supporting Supplemental Plats, Use Plats, Oil and Gas Plats, and Historical Indices.  It is estimated that in Utah, the BLM is responsible for maintaining approximately 20,000 MTP/HI documents. Search for Historical Index electronic image on this website at:

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Control Document Index (CDI) Aperture Cards.
CDIs are filmed copies of patent and title documents, withdrawal orders, and opening and closure notices.   The original patent and title documents, withdrawal orders, and related opening and closure notice comprise the official record used to construct the CDI.  Today, if the information has not been transferred to a CDI aperture card, copies are made from the original documents for review and research.  These documents or CDIs are used to prepare and maintain the MTP/HI.  These records must be available for use by both internal and public customers when required to verify the MTP/HI entries.  These records also provide the supporting detail to corroborate the corresponding MTP/HI entries (Congressional Acts, Other Townships involved, reservation language, etc.).   CDIs are used as a primary reference aid in the Utah BLM State Office (SO) Public Room.  Today the SO is responsible for maintaining approximately 60,000 CDI cards with another 10,000 hard copy documents awaiting conversion to either a film or digital format.  Search for Control Document Index electronic images on this website at:

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Cadastral Surveys.
A Cadastral Survey consists of a “plat” and a written description of the fieldwork “field notes”. The plat represents the lines surveyed, showing the direction and length of each line, the boundaries, descriptions and area of the parcel of land, and a delineation of the culture and improvements within the limits of the survey.  The cadastral survey plats are used in the construction of a MTP plat.  The MTP plat reflects the “Lot” size and placement.  As survey plats are updated this information is incorporated into the MTP plats.   The MTP plats do not reflect the courses and distances shown on survey plats.  Today the SO is responsible for approximately 7,500 cadastral survey plats.  Search for Cadastral Survey Plats and Field Note images on this website at:

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Cadastral Field Notes. The Cadastral Survey field notes are a integral part of the official record of survey and should not be separated from the plat. The field notes are the survey notes which were written as the survey was preformed on the ground and contain information that may not appear on the face of the plat. Search for Cadastral Field Notes by Volumn Number, Survey Group and Township and Range on this website at:

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The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) maintains this server to enhance public access to BLM information. BLM provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data.

Only Public information will be maintained on the BLM home page or made accessible through links to other Web pages. We strongly recommend that BLM data be acquired directly from a BLM server and not through other sources that may change the data in some way. Use external links only when there is a direct relationship between the program coverage of the BLM home page and the material to which it links.

Some of the documents on this server may contain live references (or pointers) to information created and maintained by other organizations. Please note that BLM does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside materials.

While BLM makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information, various data such as names, telephone numbers, etc. may change prior to updating. BLM welcomes suggestions on how to improve our home page and correct errors.

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