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Rule and Implementation Information for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair (surface coating)

(Docket# A-92-11)

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Rule Information          Technical formation      Implementation Information      Residual Risk

Rule Information

Proposed and Promulgated Rule Federal Registers

Subpart II- National Emission Standards for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair

File Download
11/21/11 76 FR 72050 Final National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair (Surface Coating); National Emission Standards for Wood Furniture Manufacturing Operations; Final Rule-Residual risk and technology review
12/21/10 75 FR 80220 Proposed National Emission Standards for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair (Surface Coating); National Emission Standards for Wood Furniture Manufacturing Operations; Proposed Rule: Residual risk and technology review
2/27/07 72 FR 8630 Rule National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Shipbuilding and Ship Repair (Surface Coating) Operations: Withdrawal of direct final rule; notice of reopening of public comment period.
10/17/00 65 FR 61743 Amendments Air pollution; standards of performance for new stationary sources: Testing and monitoring provisions with shipyard applicability: amendments
12/17/96 61 FR 66226 Notice Correction notice for Final Rule National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories: Aerospace Manufacturings and Rework facilities and Shipbuilding and Ship Repair (surface coating) operations
08/27/96 61 FR 44050 Notice Notice of Release of Control Techniques Guidelines (CTG)- Control Techniques Guidelines for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair (surface coating)- section 182(b)(2) rule
06/18/96 61 FR 30814 Final Rule National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair (surface coating) Operations: Revises compliance date and implementation plan submittal date
12/15/95 60 FR 64330 Final Rule National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair (surface coating) Operations
12/06/94 59 FR 62681 Proposed Rule National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair (surface coating) Operations:Proposed Rule

NOTES:All files are Government Printing Office (GPO) files unless otherwise indicated.

Closely Related Rules, Policies or Program Guidance

09/11/96 61 FR 47840 Proposed Rule Revisions to Record and Record Keeping and notice of public hearing (Docket#A-95-50)
62 FR 44672 Notice Notice of proposed determination Consumer and Commercial Products: Wood Furniture, Aerospace, Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Coatings: Control Techniques Guidelines in Lieu of Regulations (Docket#A-96-23)


Technical Information

Background Information Document (BID)/Response to comments

June 1994 Surface Coating Operations and Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Facilities--Background Information for Proposed Standards(EPA-453/-D-94-011A) NTIS no. PB95-197471)  
Surface Coating Operations and Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Facilities--Background Information for Final Standards. This document is a combination of the information in the FR notice and the 1994 ACT document, as explained in the FR notice.


February 1994 Alternative Control Techniques Document; Industrial Cleaning Solvents (EPA-453/R-94-015) NTIS no. PB-94-156791
April 1994 Alternative Control Techniques Document; Surface Coating Operations at Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Facilities (EPA-453/R-94-032) NTIS no: PB-94-181864
April 1995 Beyond VOC RACT CTG Requirements (EPA-453/R-95-010) NTIS no. PB95-239497

FACT Sheets

FACT SHEET-NESHAP for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Facilities (Surface Coating)
FACT SHEET-for Proposed NESHAP BID for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Facilities (Surface Coating)
August 1996 FACT SHEET-Control Techniques Guidelines for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Facilities Operations (Surface Coating)

Implementation Information

June 4, 1999 Letter: Approval for Metro Machine Corporation to use an alternative means for meeting the requirements of the 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart II
July 1999 Evaluation of Application for Approval of Alternative Methodology for Compliance with the NESHAP for Ship-Building and Ship Repair and Recommended Requirements for Compliance (EPA 453-R-99-005)
February 9, 1998 Memorandum: Waiver guidance for military ship crew painting when ships are not in "maintenance overhaul status".  
January 7, 1998 Letter: Clarifies the process for certifying coatings as compliant  

Implementation Documents

January 1997 A Guidebook on How to Comply with the Shipbuilding and Ship Repair (Surface Coating) Operations National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants(EPA-453/B-97-001)

Source Identification and Location Information

Outreach and Training Materials

12/15/04 Conference Call Announcement
01/25/05 Announcement of 1/25/05 Residual Risk Industry Meeting
January 1997 New Regulation Controlling Air Emissions from Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Surface Coating Operations (EPA-453/F-97-001)

Permitting Information

Compliance and Enforcement Information

Development of the Residual Risk Standards

July 26, 2005 Conference Call -- Preview Materials

Proposed Emission Factors for Abrasives
Proposed Emission Factors for Welding
1/25/05 Meeting Agenda
1/25/05 Meeting Information
1/25/05 Meeting Minutes

February 27, 2003 Conference Call

Minutes of the February 27, 2003 Conference Call

Residual Risk Background

05/30/03 Residual Risk Test Memo for Shipbuilding Source Category  
Appendix A-Emissions Data
Appendix B-1999 TRI and NTI Data
Appendix C-Input Data Calculations
Appendix D-HEM Cancer Output
Appendix E-HEM Chronic Noncancer Output
08/27/03 Questionnaire Used to Collect Shipyard Data
Enclosure 1
Enclosure 1 A
Enclosure 1 B
Enclosure 1 C
Enclosure 1 D-Welding
Enclosure 1 E-Blasting
Enclosure 1 F-Coatings
Enclosure 1 G-Controls-rev

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