The Fish and Wildlife Service's (FWS) Challenge Cost Share Program started in 1988 as a way to enhance partnerships with State and local governments, individuals and public and private groups. The program enables the FWS to manage cooperatively its natural and cultural resources and fulfill stewardship responsibilities to fish and wildlife management. Under this program, projects must occur on a refuge or directly benefit a refuge. The program encourages refuge managers to form partnerships and leverage allocated funds to complete the projects.


Appropriated funds may be used to pay for no more than 50 percent of the cost of a project. Non-Federal sources, including state/local governments, private individuals/ organizations, business enterprises, and philanthropic and charitable groups provide the matching 50 percent cost share. The cooperator share may be a non-monetary contribution. Cooperative agreements are signed with the cost-share partners.


The FWS Challenge Cost Share program guidance is found in manual chapter 055 FW 6. (


Fiscal Year 2011 Challenge Cost Share Projects


Below is a listing of the projects initiated by the FWS in Fiscal Year 2011 through the Challenge Cost Share program


Challenge Cost Share Report 2011.pdf