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Flat Stanley and Flat Stella Join FEMA

Hi, and thanks for reading our very first blog post. Our names are Flat Stanley and Flat Stella, and we are very excited to be two of the newest employees at FEMA. You’ll be seeing a lot of us as we help kids learn more about disasters and emergencies – a job Administrator Fugate asked us to do!

FEMA does a lot of cool things that you may not know about. By following our adventures around FEMA, we hope to share all sorts of fun facts and photos about staying safe.

So as we start our first day at FEMA, we did what any new employee does – we got our pictures taken for our official badge!

Photo of a cutout cartoon (Flat Stella) taking a picture by the FEMA Photo Badge Office

Photo of a cutout cartoon (Flat Stella) wearing a badge with FEMA personal nearby.

Here we are making our way through security and to our new offices. Our new badges work!

Photo of cutout cartoons (Flat Stella and Flat Stanley) positioned over a signboard that reads Elevated Security Condition 100% ID Check

We're so glad to be here!

Photo of cutout cartoons (Flat Stella and Flat Stanley) positioned near a keyboard and computer (with the FEMA Website webpage open)

Now that we are set up and working, we hope you will continue following our adventures as we travel around FEMA and visit with other people who help keep America safe. When we have some fun and interesting things to share, we will post them on this blog.

If you would like to suggest an adventure or ask us a question, you can comment below, find us on the Flat Stanley Facebook page, the FEMA Facebook page, or even e-mail us at our new e-mail address (!

We are excited about sharing our upcoming adventures!

Last Updated: 
03/06/2013 - 17:26