Home News Press Room Press Releases April Brooks Named Special Agent in Charge of Criminal Division in New York

April Brooks Named Special Agent in Charge of Criminal Division in New York

Washington, D.C. July 16, 2012
  • FBI National Press Office (202) 324-3691

Director Robert S. Mueller, III has named April Brooks special agent in charge of the Criminal Division in the FBI’s New York Field Office. Ms. Brooks most recently served as special assistant to the executive assistant director of the Human Resources Branch.

Ms. Brooks began her career as a special agent with the FBI in July 1990. She first reported to the Los Angeles Field Office, where she investigated white-collar crime, violent crime, violent gangs, drugs, and crimes against children.

In September 2000, Ms. Brooks was promoted to supervisory special agent in the Crimes Against Children Unit at FBI Headquarters. In this role, she oversaw the Innocent Images National Initiative as well as child abductions and international parental kidnapping investigations. In December 2002, she was reassigned to the newly established Cyber Division to continue oversight of the Innocent Images National Initiative.

Ms. Brooks was promoted to supervisory special agent in the Baltimore Field Office in September 2003. While there, she served as the crisis management coordinator and was responsible for the criminal enterprise program. In January 2004, she was named the supervisor responsible for an investigation involving the death of Assistant U.S. Attorney Jonathon Luna, District of Maryland.

In August 2007, Ms. Brooks was promoted to assistant special agent in charge of the intelligence, counterterrorism, and special operations programs in the Baltimore Field Office. In January 2008, she was selected to oversee the Intelligence Branch, including the HUMINT (human intelligence), foreign language, and applicant programs, along with the division’s cross-programmatic capabilities.

In February 2010, Ms. Brooks was promoted into the Senior Executive Service as an inspector in the Inspection Division. In 2012, she was named special assistant to the executive assistant director of the Human Resources Branch.

Ms. Brooks received a Bachelor of Science degree in sociology from Oklahoma Baptist University.