
Application Forms Alphabetical Listing - "P/Q"

Polar BearsSearch for an application alphabetically by keyword and then by type of application or purpose of  the application. An application form may be found under more that one keyword.


[A]  [B] [C] [D]  [E]  [F/G/H]   [I/J/K]  [L/M]  [N/O]  [R]  [S]  [T/U/V]  [W/X/Y/Z]


Type of Application/Purpose/Form No.

Panda, Giant


Pets, Personal

One-time Import/Export (CITES and/or WBCA)/3-200-46
Pet Passport, Multiple Cross-border Movement (CITES)/3-200-64


American Ginseng, Export/3-200-34
Artificially Propagated, Multiple Commercial Shipments (CITES), Export/3-200-33
Export (ESA)/3-200-36
Export/Re-export (CITES)/3-200-32
Interstate Commerce, Native Plants (ESA)/3-200-55
Interstate Commerce, Non-native Plants (ESA)/3-200-36
Exhibition by a Plant Society (CITES), Export/Re-export/3-200-32
Foreign Commerce (ESA)/3-200-36
Import (CITES Appendix I)/3-200-35
Import (CITES Appendix I and/or ESA)/3-200-36
Museum Scientific Loan (ESA), Export/Re-import/3-200-40
Pre-Convention, Export/3-200-32
Scientific Exchange (CITES)/3-200-39

Polar Bear

See Import of Trophies Sport Hunted in Canada


Designated Port Exception Permit/3-200-2


See Import or Export (ESA or MMPA)


See Import, Export, or Re-export

Private Land

Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances, Native ESA/3-200-54 NOTE: Please do not fill out or submit the application form until you contact our nearest Field Office. The Field Office will provide guidance on developing complete and adequate application materials and will determine when the application form and materials are ready for submission.
Enhancement of Survival, Native ESA/3-200-54 NOTE: Please do not fill out or submit the application form until you contact our nearest Field Office. The Field Office will provide guidance on developing complete and adequate application materials and will determine when the application form and materials are ready for submission.
Habitat Conservation Plan, Native ESA/3-200-56 NOTE: Please do not fill out or submit the application form until you contact our nearest Field Office. The Field Office will provide guidance on developing complete and adequate application materials and will determine when the application form and materials are ready for submission.
Incidental Take, Native ESA/3-200-56 NOTE: Please do not fill out or submit the application form until you contact our nearest Field Office. The Field Office will provide guidance on developing complete and adequate application materials and will determine when the application form and materials are ready for submission.
Safe Harbor Agreement, Native ESA/3-200-54 NOTE: Please do not fill out or submit the application form until you contact our nearest Field Office. The Field Office will provide guidance on developing complete and adequate application materials and will determine when the application form and materials are ready for submission.


See Breeding, Captive

Public Display

See Display, Public


Also See Commerce, Interstate
Also See Commerce, Foreign
Game Bird Propagation/3-200-10e
Raptor Propagation/3-200-12
Sale and Disposal/3-200-9

If you need additional information regarding your proposed activities, search in FAQ's/FACTS.

Last updated: February 26, 2010