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Mountain-Prairie Region

Endangered Species




We have specific Survey Protocols for some of the listed species in the Mountain-Prairie Region which should be followed when a permittee wants to establish presence or absence of the species. Please check to see if your species of interest have a survey protocol available. Survey protocols may be updated at any time, so please be sure to check back occasionally. In most cases you will still need a recovery permit before implementing a survey protocol.


American Burying Beetle Nebraska Sampling Protocol - December 2008

Black-footed Ferret Survey Guideline 1989

Desert Tortoise Handling Guidelines 1999

Mexican Spotted Owl Survey Protocol - 2003

Preble's Meadow Jumping Mouse Revised Survey Guidelines - 2004
Preble's Meadow Jumping Mouse 2004 Survey Field Compliation Form

Biological Procedures and Protocols for Researchers and Managers Handling Pallid Sturgeon
Upper Basin Pallid Sturgeon Propagation Plan - 2005

Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Natural History Summary and Survey Protocol - 1997
Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Survey and Detection Form - 2007
Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Nest Monitoring Protocol

Recommended Translocation Procedures for Utah Prairie Dog - January 2006
Survey Protocol for Annual Spring Counts of Utah Prairie Dog
Utah Prairie Dog Occupancy/Habitat Survey Protocol March 2007

Interim Survey Requirements for Ute Ladies'-tresses Orchid - 1992

1993 Protocol for Wyoming Toad Reintroduction Using Sybille Wildlife Research Unit and Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Captive Animals


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