Challenge Cost Share
Mountain-Prairie Region
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Welcome to the FY 2011
Challenge Cost Share Program

Welcome to the Region 6 Challenge Cost Share (CCS) program.  The information contained here will help you understand the program and its possibilities.  The CCS program was developed to promote partnerships between the Service and other organizations (private groups, government agencies, and individuals) which focus on a common shared conservation goal.  These partnerships are intended to support our Nation’s wildlife resources, their habitat, and the people who care for them.

The private partners must bring at least half of the resources to the proposed project and are often the ones who actually perform the ground work.  Matching resources can be in the form of money, labor, materials, other in-kind services, or a combination of these.  Other Federal Government agencies are welcomed and encouraged to participate as partners.  The funding or in-kind services that they bring to the project cannot be counted as part of the match.  The 50% matching contributions must be from a non-Federal Government source.

The deadline for submitting project proposals for the 2011 fiscal year is November 12, 2010.

Nebraska bison

For more information on the Region 6 Challenge Cost Share program, please contact James Graves by e-mail at or by phone at (303)-236-4376.

Please use the attachments below to assist you in preparing your proposal and subsequent agreement if your project is approved for funding.

Current Information and Forms FY 2011:

FY 2011 Request for Proposals Memo with Form

Instructions for Submitting the CCSA after Proposal Approval

CCS Agreement (CCSA) Template

Statement of Work (CCSA Attachment 1) (Microsoft Word format)

Standard Form 424 (CCSA Attachment 2)

Cooperator Commitment Letter (locally generated and signed by the cooperator)


Please direct any comments or questions to the CCS Coordinator at 303-236-4376

Last Updated: October 13, 2010