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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

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  • Public Health Focus

    Update on Rotavirus Vaccines

    In March 2010, FDA became aware of the presence PCV1 in Rotarix and DNA from PCV1 and PCV2 in RotaTeq. These viruses are not known to cause any infection or illness in people. Based on a careful review of a variety of scientific information, FDA has determined it is appropriate for clinicians and public health professionals in the United States to use these vaccines. All available evidence supports the safety and effectiveness of Rotarix and RotaTeq, which have been extensively studied, both before and after approval.

    This webpage provides additional background information, including questions and answers for patients and providers.

    Topics on this page:


     News Updates:


     About Rotavirus, PCV, and the Rotavirus Vaccines:


     For Parents and Caregivers:


     For Healthcare Providers:
