National Park Service
Civic Engagement
Images of Community Members at MLK NHS, Japanese Monument at Manzanar Historic Site, Student studying in Vermont and historic photo of Slave Quarters

Why Civic Engagement?

The Civic Engagement initiative is the National Park Service's challenge to itself, to find new ways to revitalize its mission of preserving and interpreting our nation's natural and cultural heritage. Forming meaningful partnerships with the very people most invested in the parks will instill in them a sense of ownership, and ensure the relevance of NPS resources and programs. more

News & Events

Park's creation story told. Brutally honest exhibit looks at Shenandoah Park's history.

Newly opened exhibit on Shenandoah National Park's history is painfully honest. Click here for full story.

Civic Engagement TEL Course, August 21, 2007 from 1-4 ET

All NPS employees and divisions must embrace CE practices as a way of doing business. This TEL course will help you understand and apply CE policy and principles. The broadcast is on Tuesday, August 21, 2007, from 1-4 pm EST. To register for the program, go to DOI Learn and apply for class - NPS-2007-0821-TEL. For information and availability of any participant materials and pre-course assignments go to:
TEL website @


Come and join us for this opportunity to learn powerful, successful strategies and share experiences with NPS Civic Engagement practitioners. The renowned facilitator, Fred Soto will help us explore the benefits of civic engagement and how to enrich your decison-making and strengthen your park or program's relevancy and connection to the public. Director Bomar will open the session titled "Strengthening the NPS through Civic Engagement," with why she feels civic engagement is critically important for the Service and the American public.

This course meets the 4 hour annual requirement for Diversity and provides training support for meeting part of your Supervision, Management and Leadership training requirement. Civic Engagement is a deliberate philosophy and practice adopted by the NPS to ensure that we recognize the many views and voices of the American public for the Centennial and beyond. Participate in this 3-hour session and become an involved member of the civic engagement visionaries in the National Park Service.

Find out about upcoming and past events. Events Calendar

Share comments and ask questions regarding civic engagement.


Richmond National Battlefield Park, Richmond, Virginia

In the spirit of civic engagement, Richmond National Battlefield Park positioned a desk and notepaper at the entrance/exit to the Tredegar Visitor Center that invites visitors to write down “What the Civil War means to me.” The results were varied and inspiring. The opportunity has been more than a gesture although it is simple and inexpensive.

Richmond National Battlefield Park visitor responds to the question: "What the Civil War means to Me."

See all case studies

  Fran Mainella, National Park Service Director

We must welcome all kinds of people to our parks and programs, to reflect, as former NPS Director Bob Stanton said, "The diverse face of America." We need to continually invite and engage others, and maintain relationships around a shared stewardship mission.


Mary A. Bomar
National Park Service Director

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