Working with Tribes
Southwest Region

Cultural Resources


GUIDANCE FOR EMPLOYEES The Cultural Resources Team in Region 1 provide a useful and easy-to-understand guidebook for cultural resource management that should be consulted by all USFWS employees.

The cover page of the reference manual, Considering Cultural ResourcesConsidering Cultural Resources (943 KB PDF)

David Siegel
Cultural Resources Manager
Room 9116
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Southwest Region
500 Gold Ave. SW
P.O. Box 1306
Albuquerque, NM 87103

Telephone: 505-248-7396 FAX: 505-248-7950


Access more information on Service Cultural Resources


Working with Tribes

Tribal Wildlife Grants

Laws & Treaties

Wildlife Management

Cultural Preservation

Eagle Aviaries

Non-Eagle Feather Repository

Eagle Permits

Youth Initiatives

NAL Roles Responsibilities

Forensics Lab

Law Enforcement & Tribes

Natural Resource Directory


Last updated: April 15, 2015