
Alaska Forum on the Environment, 2013

We are proud to announce the15th Annual Alaska Forum on the Environment to be hosted at the Dena'ina Convention Center on February 4-8, 2013! Registration services are available and priced to help you plan and save!

We are offering registration at rates identical to last year to help encourage your participation. Registering now online can help you spend your funding resources wisely and help us make the registration line most efficient.

There are discount opportunities for our oganization, business and leadership partners to help take advantage of the best environmental training opportunity in Alaska. Please contact us for details. For more information on the event use the pull down navigation menu at the top of this page, or visit our event invitation pages.

Content Focus

We will continue to offer training and information that includes plenary sessions with nationally recognized keynote speakers, and a broad range of topics included in over 80 breakout sessions on: climate change, emergency response, environmental regulations, fish and wildlife populations, rural issues, energy, military issues, business issues, solid waste, contaminants, contaminated site cleanup, mining and others.

For 2013, we will greatly expand our event content to provide information to help better understand issues surrounding coastal communities. This will include tsunami impacts, marine debris, and coastal erosion.

15th Anniversary Extras!

To recognize the 15 year milestone event, there will be additional event features. Check back on this website for information on the 2013 Art Contest, event Music, and new amenities for participants. We will also continue to offer CEU's, Awards, Poster Sessions, Airline Discounts and our Film Festival. Look here for more information in coming months!



Exbibitor information and registration is now available online. Our Exhibitor Booths have been selling out early. Reserve your space now!


Leadership Opportunities

We are continually seeking involvement of additional partner organizations. To view the range of opportunities for you or your organization to become involved, click here.


Stay Informed - eNewsletters

Subscribe and receive our newsletters by eMail. Click here for more information.



Environmental Online Training

Now Available

The Alaska Forum is proud to announce new online training opportunities available to all Alaskans. If you need to know more about environmetnal regulations, standards, and permitting, you can enroll in any of our new online course offerings! Quality training that is simple and cost effective for your organization.

To review our course list and sign up, please visit our training page.

RALO is Back!

Thanks to generous support of USDA Rural Development, the Alaska Forum is able to support Rural Alaska Landfill Operator (RALO) training in partnership with the Alaska Chapter of the Solid Waste Association of North America.

RALO is the essential training program for all rural Solid Waste Landfill Operations. For more information, click here.

Apprenticeship Program

With generous support of the Alaska Department of Labor and Work Force Development, the Alaska Forum is able to implement our EnvironmentalTechnician Apprenticeship Program in partnership with Alaska employers for 2013. This program offer training and employment opportunities for all Alaskans.

Apprentices "earn while they learn" and build critical skills working with instructors and mentors.

We will announce a new application cycle for 2-10 new Apprentices to join the program in 2013.

For more information, please visit our Environmental Technician page. We would like to thank the continued hard work of our 9 first year Apprentices and 6 new Apprentices. Special thanks to the following businesses helping to make this Program a success:

  • CH2MHill
  • ConocoPhilips
  • Environmental Management Inc
  • Oasis
  • SGS Environmental Services
  • Umiaq
  • Weston Solutions



© 1998-2012 Alaska Forum, Inc. | PO Box 212409, Anchorage, AK 99521-2409
888.301.0185 toll free
Updated: 7-August-2012

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