USGS - science for a changing world

Toxic Substances Hydrology Program

Research Projects

Subsurface Point-Source Contamination

Map of Toxics Program Study Sites
Locations of Toxics Program Subsurface Point-Source Contamination Investigations
(Click on map for larger version)

bemidji tracer tests
Tracer test being conducted to study subsurface contaminant transport -- from the Bemidji Site

The Toxics Program conducts intensive field investigations to study common classes of subsurface point-source contamination. (more information)

Contamination in Fractured-Rock Aquifers

Petroleum Related Contamination (including crude oil, gasoline and produced water)

Chlorinated Solvents Contamination

Contamination from Sources with Mixed Wastes (including landfills and wastewater discharge)

Complete listing of point-source investigations and projects >>

Other Subsurface Point-Source Investigations

Subsurface Point-Source Contamination Information

Meetings and Conferences

New Publications

Upcoming Publications

  • Volatile organic compounds in the unsaturated zone from radioactive wastes: Baker, R.J., Andraski, B.J., Stonestrom, D.A., and Luo, W., Journal of Environmental Quality, doi:10.2135/jeq2011.0480 (IN PRESS).
  • Microbial degradation of chloroethenes in the fractured rock aquifer at NAWC Trenton under unamended and enhanced conditions: Bradley, P.M., U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report (IN PRESS).
  • Microbial mineralization of cis-dichloroethene and vinyl chloride as a component of natural attenuation of chloroethene contaminants under conditions identified in the field as anoxic: Bradley, P.M., U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report (IN PRESS).
  • Effects of thermal heating on aquifer microorganisms: Chapelle, F.H., Lacombe, P.J., and Bradley, P.M., Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) (IN PRESS).
  • Volatile fuel hydrocarbons and oxygenates in the environment (Section 9.12): Cozzarelli, I.M., and Baehr, A.L., in Heinrich, D.H., and Karl, K.T., eds., Environmental Geochemistry, Lollar, B.S., ed., in Treatise on Geochemistry, New York, Elsevier Science, v. 9 (IN PRESS).

New Publications

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