On June 15, 2011, the Migratory Bird Conservation Commission approved $2.8 million in funding for the following 44 projects that will affect more than 10,500 acres. Partners contributed an additional $7.3 million in nonfederal matching funds and $3.2 million in other contributions that include other federal funds. These projects are considered part of the Fiscal Year 2012 grants cycle. This information is accurate as of the date of approval. For further information about specific grant projects, please contact the grantee listed in individual project summaries. Project Summary Table.

Project: McDaniel Slough Restoration Project.
Location: Arcata and Humboldt counties.
Congressional District: 1.
Grantee: City of Arcata, Environmental Services Department.
Contact: Mark Andre, mandre@cityofarcata.org.
Partners: City of Arcata; CA Dept. of Fish & Game; FOAM; Redwood Region Audubon; USFWS; NRCS; NOAA; Redwood Region Audubon.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $85,250.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: $364,475.
Joint Venture Region: Pacific Coast.
Flyway: Pacific.
BCR: 5.
Partners will restore and enhance coastal and riparian wetland habitats on the northern portion of Humboldt Bay by integrating city and state-held lands. This project will create a self-sustaining estuarine tidal marsh system through restoration of natural processes, and will create brackish and freshwater wetlands on the site.
Project: Kiowa Creek Natural Area – Wetland Phase II.
Location: Kiowa County.
Congressional District: 4.
Grantee: Kiowa County Economic Development Foundation.
Contact: Jan Richards, kcdef@kcdefonline.org.
Partners: Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $20,000.
Matching Funds: $22,000.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: $4,139.
Joint Venture Region: Playa Lakes.
Flyway: Central.
BCR: 18.
Goals of this project include conserving and enhancing the Kiowa Creek drainage by mechanically increasing the depth of the main wetland channel and constructing a shallow-water impoundment with a water-level control structure to increase open water areas.  Project activities will also provide stopover habitat for 21 documented species of waterfowl including mallard, northern pintail, blue-winged and green-winged teal, and lesser scaup, as well as 16 documented species of shorebirds.
Project: Bell Cedar Swamp.
Location: New London County.
Congressional District: 2.
Grantee: Avalonia Land Conservancy, Inc.
Contact: Duncan Schweitzer, avalonialc@yahoo.com.
Partners: Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection; The Nature Conservancy, Connecticut Chapter; USFWS Coastal Program.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $20,000.
Matching Funds: $65,000.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: $1,000.
Joint Venture Region: Atlantic Coast.
Flyway: Atlantic.
BCR: 30.
The Avalonia Land Conservancy will acquire two parcels totaling 73 acres, a portion of the 200-acre Bell Cedar Swamp. More than 90 percent of this acquisition is wetlands. Project goals include protecting rare Atlantic white cedar habitat and associated wildlife species of concern; enhanced protection of adjacent wetland systems; preserving important drinking water supplies; generating wildlife-oriented research opportunities and a passive recreational resource; and preserving local historical heritage.  This project supports broader goals of conserving forest blocks and wildlife corridors in the region.
Project: Critical Bird Habitat Restoration in the National Wildlife Refuges of the Indian River Lagoon .
Location: Indian River and Martin counties.
Congressional District: 15.
Grantee: Marine Resources Council.
Contact: Jim Egan, council@mrcirl.org.
Partners: Indian River County; Town of Jupiter; U.S Fish and Wildlife Service; Pelican Island NWR; Hobe Sound NWR.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $67,250.
Matching Funds: $200,647.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: None.
Joint Venture Region: Atlantic Coast.
Flyway: Atlantic.
BCR: 31.
This project is part of a coordinated effort by federal, state and local governments, as well as nonprofits and private companies, to reverse the loss of coastal wetland habitat and remove invasive species adjacent to the Indian River Lagoon. These highly productive habitats are home to waterfowl such as mallards, northern pintails and ring-necked ducks, as well as brown pelicans, white ibis and wood storks, among other waterbirds.  Partners will restore 40 acres of critical habitat by removing invasive plants and restoring the native plant communities used as nesting and foraging habitat.
Project: Black Crown Marsh Restoration and Protection Project.
Location: McHenry County.
Congressional District: 8.
Grantee: Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Contact: Russ Terry, rterry@ducks.org
Partners: OpenLands; Illinois Department of Natural Resources.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $116,673.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: $586,327.
Joint Venture Region: Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes.
Flyway: Mississippi.
BCR: 22.
The purpose of this project is to acquire 36 acres and restore 75 acres of wetlands and associated habitat in Black Crown Marsh.  The Illinois DNR will acquire the land and Ducks Unlimited will restore wetlands and associated upland habitat, as well as restoring habitat on adjacent DNR-owned lands.  This project is part of a multi-year effort to restore and protect the entire 375-acre Black Crown Marsh complex.
Project: Habitat Restoration at Hadley Valley Preserve.
Location: Will County.
Congressional District: 13.
Grantee: Forest Preserve District of Will County.
Contact: Julianne Mason, jmason@fpdwc.org.
Partners: Forest Preserve District of Will County.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $104,000.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes.
Flyway: Mississippi.
BCR: 22.
The purpose of this project is to expand an ongoing habitat restoration project on 500 acres in the Hadley Valley Preserve.  Overall goals are to restore approximately three miles of the Spring Creek valley, encompassing nearly 600 acres; expand and protect habitat for migratory birds, endangered species, and other priority wildlife; and open the preserve to educational programming.  The habitat restoration at Hadley Valley Preserve will provide a mosaic of native wetland, prairie, and savanna habitats that will connect restored and remnant habitats located along the Spring Creek Greenway, which provides habitat for high priority waterfowl species such as the American black duck, mallard and lesser scaup, as well as a number of other wetland-dependent species.
Project: Patoka River NWR Wetlands Conservation.
Location: Gibson and Pike counties.
Congressional District: 8.
Grantee: Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Contact: Russ Terry, rterry@ducks.org.
Partners: Multi-Resource Management, Inc.; USFWS.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $42,416.
Matching Funds: $42,416.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Other Non-Federal Contributions: $159,595.
Joint Venture Region: Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes.
Flyway: Mississippi.
BCR: 24.
The purpose of this project is to permanently protect more than 155 acres and restore more than 65 acres on four tracts on Patoka River National Wildlife Refuge.  Project work will provide production, migration and wintering habitat for waterfowl and other wetland-dependent species improve water quality and provide increased flood control.
Project: Buffalo Creek Wildlife Management Area, Mangold Addition.
Location: Delaware County.
Congressional District: 1.
Grantee: Pheasants Forever, Inc.
Contact: Jess Birken, jbirken@pheasantsforever.org.
Partners: Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $125,000.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes.
Flyway: Mississippi.
BCR: 11.
The purpose of this project is to restore and protect grassland and riparian wetland habitats in the Wapsipinicon River watershed. This effort will protect a prairie stream by acquiring additional riparian habitat and creating an additional four-acre upland wetland within the corridor.  Waterfowl, grassland nesting birds and many species that use riparian habitat will benefit from this project.  Another objective is to create a large wildlife habitat complex for the benefit of wildlife and human use of these natural resource areas.
Project: Iowa Prairie Pothole Upland Habitat Enhancement II.
Location: 35 counties.
Congressional District: 1,3,4 and 5.
Grantee: Pheasants Forever, Inc.
Contact: Jess Birken, jbirken@pheasantsforever.org.
Partners: Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $75,000.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Prairie Pothole.
Flyway: Central.
BCR: 11.
The purpose of this grant project is to fund critical enhancement of native, local tallgrass prairie on state wildlife management areas within the 35-county Prairie Pothole Joint Venture Region in Iowa.  The goal is to assist in the enhancement of 1,440 acres of tallgrass prairie and create 290 new acres of tallgrass prairie associated with restored wetlands on areas designated for wildlife management. The objective is to enhance tallgrass prairie blocks large enough to achieve ecological function and to benefit all grassland bird species that breed in the Iowa portion of the Prairie Pothole Region.
Project: Wetland Enhancement and Water Conservation at Quivira NWR.
Location: Stafford County.
Congressional District: 1.
Grantee: Quivira National Wildlife Refuge.
Contact: Dan Severson, dan_severson@fws.gov.
Partners: George Stumps Wetland Trust; ConocoPhillips; Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $80,000.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: $22,089.
Joint Venture Region: Playa Lakes.
Flyway: Central.
BCR: 19.
Quivira NWR is a sand prairie-wetland complex that supports migrating waterfowl and shorebirds. The refuge is a major bottleneck of migrating waterbirds of the Central Flyway. This project will restore and enhance wetland habitat to benefit priority nonbreeding waterfowl, shorebirds, and other waterbirds, and improve the efficiency of water use and management and the productivity of many wetlands on the refuge.
Project: Restoration and Enhancement of Waterbird Nesting Habitat on Maine Coast Islands II.
Location: Hancock, Knox, Cumberland and York counties.
Congressional District: 1.
Grantee: National Audubon Society.
Contact: Steve Kress, skress@audubon.org.
Partners: Maine Coast Heritage Trust; Maine Department of Inland Fisheries; Maine Coastal Islands NWR; USFWS Gulf of Maine Program.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $135,500.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: $428,780.
Joint Venture Region: Atlantic Coast.
Flyway: Atlantic.
BCR: 14.
This project will acquire seven-acre Compass Island, a nationally significant seabird nesting island; restore and enhance 18.5 acres of wetland associated uplands used for waterbird nesting on five Maine islands to a more natural and functional condition; and enhance nesting habitat for waterbirds by placing nesting structures.
Project: Sucker Brook West Project.
Location: Oxford County.
Congressional District: 2.
Grantee: Greater Lovell Land Trust, Inc.
Contact: Tom Henderson, tomgllt@earthlink.net
Partners: Greater Lovell Land Trust, Inc.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $210,194.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Atlantic Coast.
Flyway: Atlantic.
BCR: 14.
The goal of this project is to protect 53 acres of wetlands, more than 3,500 feet of brook frontage and 276 acres of upland forested habitat for waterfowl, wading birds, aquatic, migratory and resident species.
Project: Oak Hill Conservation Easement.
Location: Anne Arundel County.
Congressional District: 2,3.
Grantee: Patuxent Tidewater Land Trust.
Contact: Susan Charkes, sdc@patuxent-tidewater.org.
Partners: Scenic Rivers Land Trust; Maryland Environmental Trust; Patuxent Research Refuge.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $15,000.
Matching Funds: $15,000.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Atlantic Coast.
Flyway: Atlantic.
BCR: 30.
Partners will acquire a perpetual conservation easement on 250 acres along both sides of the Little Patuxent River.  Waterfowl that will benefit include mallards, ring-necked ducks, American wigeon and gadwall.
Project: Mattapoisett Riverfront.
Location: Plymouth County.
Congressional District: 4.
Grantee: Town of Mattapoisett.
Contact: William Nicholson, wnicholson@mattapoisett.net.
Partners: Buzzards Bay Coalition; Rochester Land Trust; Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $330,000.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: $70,000.
Joint Venture Region: Atlantic Coast.
Flyway: Atlantic.
BCR: 30.
This project will permanently protect 46 acres of wetlands and 62 acres of associated uplands along the Mattapoisett River, a freshwater tributary to Buzzards Bay.  Waterfowl that will benefit include mallards, American black ducks, northern pintails and canvasbacks.  Other bird species will also benefit, including oystercatchers, piping plovers and least terns.
Project: Detroit Lakes Private Lands Wetland Restorations.
Location: Polk, Mahnomen and Becker counties.
Congressional District: 7.
Grantee: Detroit Lakes Wetland Management District.
Contact: Greg Hoch, greg_hoch@fws.gov.
Partners: Minnesota Prairie Chicken Society; Friends of the Detroit Lakes Wetland Management District; Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $55,000.
Matching Funds: $175,000.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Prairie Pothole.
Flyway: Central.
BCR: 11.
This project will restore small wetlands on federal habitat and wetland easements that fit well into the larger, overall conservation work in the area.   The project will benefit the statewide strategy for wildlife conservation and habitat protection. After the wetlands are restored, monitoring of bird use of these areas will be incorporated into existing waterfowl monitoring programs in the area.
Project: Fergus Falls Wetland and Grassland Restoration.
Location: Ottertail County.
Congressional District: 7.
Grantee: Fergus Falls Wetland Management District.
Contact: Greg Hoch, greg_hoch@fws.gov.
Partners: Minnesota Prairie Chicken Society.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $50,000.
Matching Funds: $170,000.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Prairie Pothole.
Flyway: Central.
BCR: 11.
The goal of this project is to restore and enhance wetlands and upland nesting cover on waterfowl production areas in west-central Minnesota. The project area is at the junction of the Mississippi and Central flyways and sees a number of waterfowl and shorebirds during the migration period. Work will involve wetland restorations on new acquisitions and wetland enhancement on existing WPAs. This project is part of a larger goal of acquiring, protecting, and restoring grasslands in western Minnesota through refuges and WPAs, as well as on state wildlife land.
Project: Glacial Ridge NWR Wetland Restorations.
Location: Mentor and Polk counties.
Congressional District: 7.
Grantee: Rydell/Glacial Ridge NWR.
Contact: Jessica Dowler, Jessica_dowler@fws.gov.
Partners: Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council; Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Conservation Partners Legacy grant program, Friends of the Detroit Lakes WMD; Minnesota Prairie Chicken Society; Minnesota Waterfowl Association.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $249,499.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: None.
Joint Venture Region: Prairie Pothole.
Flyway: Central.
BCR: 11.
Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge was established in 2004 as a cooperative venture between The Nature Conservancy and the Service.  To date, 276 wetlands totaling 3,538 acres have been restored.  This project will restore five wetlands on two tracts of land recently acquired by Glacial Ridge.  Waterfowl that will benefit includes mallards, gadwall, blue-winged teal and ruddy ducks.
Project: Minnesota Lake Waterfowl Complex Addition.
Location: Faribault County.
Congressional District: 1.
Grantee: Pheasants Forever, Inc.
Contact: Jess Birken, jbirken@pheasantsforever.org.
Partners: Pheasants Forever.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $225,000.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Prairie Pothole.
Flyway: Central.
BCR: 11.
This project will build upon existing conservation work being completed by federal, state and private organizations. The Minnesota Lake WPA acquisition will permanently protect 78 acres within an area that has over 1,323 acres of permanently protected habitat. This complex is complemented by Minnesota Lake, a regionally significant 1,900-acre lake vital to migratory waterfowl within the area. In addition, Minnesota Lake has been designated by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources as a migratory waterfowl feeding and resting area and has one of the largest colonies of American white pelicans in Minnesota.
Project: West Central MN Grasslands II.
Location: Big Stone, Pope, Traverse and Stevens counties.
Congressional District: 7.
Grantee: Pheasants Forever, Inc.
Contact: Jess Birken, jbirken@pheasantsforever.org.
Partners: USFWS; private individual.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $120,000.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: $175,300.
Joint Venture Region: Prairie Pothole.
Flyway: Central.
BCR: 11.
West-central Minnesota provides important migration and breeding waterfowl habitats.  This area also provides critical staging and migratory habitats for lesser scaup, canvasbacks, ring-necked ducks and other migratory waterfowl. The purpose of this project is to restore and protect grassland and wetland habitats to assist land managers in increasing and accelerating grassland management for the benefit of waterfowl and grassland nesting birds within the project area.
Project: Windom Area Wetlands.
Location: Cottonwood and Jackson counties.
Congressional District: 1.
Grantee: Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Contact: Jon Schneider, jschneider@ducks.org.
Partners: Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council; Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; Cottonwood County Game & Fish League; Flint Hills Resources; North Heron Lake Game Producers Association Conservation; Heron Lake Watershed District.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $359,972.53.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Prairie Pothole.
Flyway: Central.
BCR: 11.
The purpose of this project is to enhance three large prairie wetland basins through the engineering and installation of water control structures to allow managers to conduct temporary water level draw-downs and rejuvenate the aquatic ecology of each basin. This improved wetland habitat condition will benefit wetland-dependent migratory birds during both spring and fall migration, and during the breeding season by providing improved brood rearing habitat.
Project: Lakeshore Marshes Wetland Restoration.
Location: Wayne County.
Congressional District: 25.
Grantee: Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Contact: Sarah Fleming, sfleming@ducks.org.
Partners: Constellation Energy; NY State Department of Environmental Conservation; Friends of Montezuma Wetlands Complex; Healing Our Water; Northern Montezuma Audubon.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $76,500.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: $6,508.
Joint Venture Region: Atlantic Coast.
Flyway: Atlantic.
BCR: 13.
The purpose of this project is to restore hydrologic function and enhance habitat diversity in two coastal marsh systems, Red Creek and Beaver Creek marshes, enhancing habitat structure and plant species diversity within approximately 59 acres of coastal freshwater marsh in the Red Creek and Beaver Creek marshes.  Restoration efforts will benefit American black duck, mallard, wood duck, green-winged and blue-winged teal, and ring-necked duck by creating open water areas, and allowing native aquatic plant species, which have greater benefits to these species of waterfowl, to re-colonize the areas.
Project: McCarn Creek.
Location: Jefferson County.
Congressional District: 23.
Grantee: Thousand Islands Land Trust.
Contact: Martin Yenawine, myenawine@tilandtrust.org.
Partners: Audubon New York; private individual.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $70,040.
Matching Funds: $77,259.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Atlantic Coast.
Flyway: Atlantic.
BCR: 13.
This project will protect 179 acres of priority habitats, including 52 acres of wetlands with 54 acres of adjacent upland buffers, 8,730 feet of riparian corridors along McCarn Creek and 73 acres of additional uplands, contributing to habitat protection goals within this national priority area.  Conservation efforts will protect breeding, nesting, staging and wintering habitat for high priority waterfowl species, waterbird, shorebird and neotropical migratory birds, and many other mammals, amphibians, reptiles and fish.
Project: Upper St. Lawrence River/Thousand Islands IBA – II.
Location: Jefferson County.
Congressional District: 23.
Grantee: Thousand Islands Land Trust.
Contact: Martin Yenawine, myenawine@tilandtrust.org.
Partners: Thousand Island Land Trust; NY Department of Environmental Conservation; private individual.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $244,337.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Atlantic Coast.
Flyway: Atlantic.
BCR: 13.
Thousand Islands Land Trust will permanently protect 12 tracts comprising 145 acres, adding to the protection of vital breeding, staging and wintering habitat of waterfowl, shorebirds, waterbirds and land birds and other wildlife.   All project lands will be owned for conservation and protected in perpetuity, protecting breeding, nesting, staging, and wintering habitat for high priority waterfowl species, waterbird, shorebird and neotropical migratory birds, and other wildlife.
Project: Franklin Bog Protection Project.
Location: Portage County.
Congressional District: 17.
Grantee: Portage Park District.
Contact: Christine Craycroft, ccraycroft@portageparkdistrict.org.
Partners: Ohio EPA; Lake Erie Allegheny Partnership for Biodiversity; Western Reserve Land Conservancy; Cleveland Museum of Natural History.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $262,760.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes.
Flyway: Mississippi.
BCR: 13.
Portage Park District will purchase and preserve an approximately 58-acre property containing 17.4 acres of rare sphagnum peat bogs. Preservation of this property will protect important wetland habitat for waterfowl, and other migratory birds.
Project: Medina Marsh Protection Project.
Location: Medina County.
Congressional District: 16.
Grantee: Medina County Park District.
Contact: Thomas K. Janes, tjanes@medinaco.org.
Partners: Ohio EPA; Medina County Park District; Western Reserve Land Conservancy; Cleveland Museum of Natural History .
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $1,189,000.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes.
Flyway: Mississippi.
BCR: 13.
Medina County Park District will preserve an approximately 91-acre property that contains 32 acres of high-quality forested shrub-scrub and emergent wetlands and 2,725 linear feet of tributaries to the West Branch of the Rocky River. This project site is located between the City of Medina’s Reagan Park and Medina County Park District’s nature preserve. Protection of this property will add to a growing corridor of protected riparian habitat along the West Branch of the Rocky River, which drains into Lake Erie.
Project: Clear Lake.
Location: Clatsop County.
Congressional District: 1.
Grantee: North Coast Land Conservancy.
Contact: Jon Wickersham, jonw@nclctrust.org.
Partners: Oregon Water Enhancement Board, Oregon Department of Transportation.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $250,000.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: $600,000.
Joint Venture Region: Pacific Coast.
Flyway: Pacific.
BCR: 5.
The North Coast Land Conservancy will acquire 42 acres of undeveloped interdunal lake habitat in an area that supports some 200,000 wintering waterfowl, including mallards, American wigeon and green-winged teal.
Project: Waite Ranch Tidal Wetlands Restoration Project.
Location: Lane County.
Congressional District: 4.
Grantee: McKenzie River Trust.
Contact: Ryan Ruggerio, rruggerio@mckenzieriver.org.
Partners: OWEB; City of Florence; WWRI Grant Phase 1.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $150,000.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: $65,000.
Joint Venture Region: Pacific Coast.
Flyway: Pacific.
BCR: 5.
The Waite Ranch Tidal Wetlands Restoration Project will restore 211 acres of tidal wetlands with high value for migratory birds and other native fish and wildlife.  Acquisition and restoration of the Waite Ranch is the last major element in a coordinated effort over the past decade that has protected and restore more than 1,100 acres of tidal marshes along the lower Siuslaw River, making this estuary an anchor for long-term bird habitat conservation and climate change adaptation on the central Oregon coast.
Project: Chestnut Grove Natural Area Ecological Restoration Project.
Location: Lancaster County.
Congressional District: 16.
Grantee: Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority.
Contact: Michelle Marsh, mmarsh@lcswma.org.
Partners: The American Chestnut Foundation; Franklin and Marshall College; Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority; The Open Space Committee; private individual; The Lancaster County Conservancy.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $372,350.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: $152,000.
Joint Venture Region: Atlantic Coast.
Flyway: Atlantic.
BCR: 29.
This project seeks to restore and enhance 92 acres of wetlands and uplands as part of a larger restoration and preservation effort.  Located on a 170-acre retired agricultural site whose southern border of the site overlooks the Susquehanna River, once restored, the project area will be part of lands that will serve as a continually improving nature refuge, while providing opportunities for low-impact recreation such as hiking, environmental education and birding.
Project: Management of La Providencia and Cabo Rojo Lagoons Project.
Location: Cabo Rojo NWR and La Providencia Wildlife Refuge.
Congressional District: N/A.
Grantee: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Puerto Rico Department of Environmental and Natural Resources.
Contact: Oscar Diaz, Oscar_diaz@fws.gov.
Partners: PR DENR, Cabo Rojo Enterprises; USFWS.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $62,000.
Matching Funds: $97,600.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: $250,000.
Joint Venture Region: Atlantic Coast.
Flyway: Atlantic.
BCR: 69.
The goal of this project is to provide high quality nesting and foraging habitat at Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge and La Providencia Wildlife Refuge to benefit migrant and resident shorebirds and waterfowl, as well as nesting birds.  Partners will create nesting mounds and clear ditches and canals of sediment, and use water structures and pumps to manage hydrology.
Project: Restoration and Enhancement of Plum Hill Managed Wetlands Complex.
Location: Colleton County.
Congressional District: 6.
Grantee: Plum Hill Plantation LP, Plum Hill Plantation.
Contact: Francis G. Johnson, fgj@jjins.com.
Partners: USDA-NRCS; USFWS; SC Department of Natural Resources.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $29,154.
Matching Funds: $30,154.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: $9,500.
Joint Venture Region: Atlantic Coast.
Flyway: Atlantic.
BCR: 27.
Plum Hill Plantation comprises 960 total acres, 300 of which are tidally-influenced former freshwater ricefields. Three major enhancements will be accomplished through this grant to improve management capabilities and increase the carrying capacity of habitat for migratory birds.
Project: Mingo Swamp - Cole Tract Acquisition.
Location: Franklin County.
Congressional District: 4.
Grantee: Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency.
Contact: Tim Churchill, tim.churchill@tn.gov
Partners: Tennessee Wildlife Resources Fund.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $125,000.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Central Hardwoods.
Flyway: Mississippi.
BCR: 24.
This project will build on previous conservation work by acquiring 84 acres of wetland and associated upland habitat.  The Mingo Swamp Project Area includes 6,279 acres of wetlands and wetland-associated upland habitat.  The tract to be acquired will be managed in perpetuity as an addition to the Mingo Swamp Wildlife Management Area.  Waterfowl and upland hunting will also be allowed at the WMA, as will wildlife watching.
Project: Alazan Bayou Wildlife Management Area Wetland Enhancement.
Location: Nacogdoches County.
Congressional District: 1.
Grantee: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
Contact: Jeff Raasch, jeff.raasch@tpwd.state.tx.us.
Partners: Encana Oil and Gas Inc.; Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation; Pineywoods Chapter of Delta Waterfowl.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $163,106.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Lower Mississippi Valley.
Flyway: Mississippi.
BCR: 25.
Partners will improve 150 feet of existing levee and install a culvert and water control structure at the location of an existing levee break on Alazan Bayou Wildlife Management Area, allowing TPWD to draw down water from approximately 154 acres of bottomland hardwood forest and shrub-scrub swamp during the growing season and hold water in the wetland area during the winter. Benefits to waterfowl will include improved management capabilities to improve wetland conditions in this historic roost-site and foraging area in which ducks, storks, spoonbill, ibis, egrets and herons have been observed. Partners will also acquire a 51-acre tract that provides foraging habitat for mallards, wood ducks and other dabbling ducks, and is used as brood habitat for wood ducks.
Project: Bishop Loma Paloma Wetland.
Location: Presidio County.
Congressional District: 23.
Grantee: Trans Pecos Water and Land Trust.
Contact: David Crum, director@tpwlt.org.
Partners: City of Presidio; private individuals.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $74,685.
Matching Funds: $158,688.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Rio Grande.
Flyway: Central.
BCR: 35.
The purpose of the project is to establish a wetland/riparian complex for both migrating and local breeding birds. The project will establish 24.5 acres of wetlands and associated riparian habitat on private land adjacent to the Loma Paloma Golf Course in Presidio. Additional objectives include providing wildlife viewing. The Texas Department of Transportation will eventually install a tourism turn-out, potentially with a viewing platform and kiosk.
Project: Gulf Coast Mottled Duck Conservation Plan – Phase V.
Location: Chambers County.
Congressional District: 14.
Grantee: Texas R.I.C.E.
Contact: Bill Stransky, txrice@att.net.
Partners: Private individual; Anahuac NWR; Coastal Impact Assessment Program.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $27,500.
Matching Funds: $49,500.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: $108,000.
Joint Venture Region: Gulf Coast.
Flyway: Mississippi.
BCR: 37.
Texas R.I.C.E. will create 300 acres of moist soil units on Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge to benefit the mottled duck by leveling rice fields, building internal levees and installing water control structures.  This project will benefit not just mottled ducks, but also a variety of shorebirds and wading birds expected to use the newly created habitat.
Project: Wetlands Restoration and Enhancement along the Rio Grande, Los Corralitos Ranch.
Location:Zapata County.
Congressional District: 28.
Grantee: USFWS.
Contact: Chad Stinson, chad_stinson@fws.gov.
Partners: Private individual; NRCS.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $85,000.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: $35,000.
Joint Venture Region: Rio Grande.
Flyway: Central.
BCR: 35.
This project will support wetland restoration and enhancement by restoring natural hydrology functions to degraded systems; altering vegetation and substrate to maximize food availability to waterfowl; providing structures and/or water delivery sufficient to flood wetlands; reducing pesticides; reducing pathogenic bacteria and phosphate levels as a result of contact with wetland plants; reducing sediment loads; recharging groundwater; and providing nesting and brood habitat for waterfowl.
Project: Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge Wetland Enhancement Project.
Location: Box Elder County.
Congressional District: 1.
Grantee: Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Contact: Jeff McCreary, jmccreary@ducks.org.
Partners: Bear River Duck Club; private individual; Utah Wetlands Foundation; The Foothills Foundation; Specialty Family; USFWS.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $220,879.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: $13,200.
Joint Venture Region: Intermountain West
Flyway: Pacific.
BCR: 9.
This project will enhance 187 acres of palustrine emergent wetlands and associated uplands, improving breeding and migratory habitat for a variety waterfowl, shorebirds, waterbirds, and other wetland-dependent species that depend on the area during fall and spring migrations, as well during the breeding season.
Project: Bicknell Bottoms Tercero Wetlands Acquisition.
Location: Wayne County.
Congressional District: 2.
Grantee: Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife Resources.
Contact: Stephen Hansen, stephenhansen@utah.gov.
Partners: Blue Ribbon Fisheries; Utah Habitat Council; Utah Watershed Restoration Initiative; Pittman-Robertson Fund.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $335,500.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Intermountain West
Flyway: Pacific.
BCR: 9.
The Bicknell Bottoms Wildlife Management Area is a 670-acre parcel that was acquired for waterfowl habitat, fisheries, upland game habitat and sportsman access. The Tercero parcel is directly adjacent to the Bicknell Bottoms WMA, and shares many of the same wetland attributes; it is a productive waterfowl breeding area, wintering area, and a critical component in migration connectivity between larger water bodies such as the Great Salt Lake and points south such as Coastal Mexico.  Approximately 93 acres of the parcel to be acquired are considered wetland marsh.
Project: Lummi Island Wetland Preservation Project.
Location: Whatcom County.
Congressional District: 2.
Grantee: Lummi Island Heritage Trust.
Contact: Rebecca Rettmer, becca@liht.org
Partners: Martin Miller Fund of Seattle Audubon; NW Ecological Services; Schneider Design.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $50,000.
Matching Funds: $106,000.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Pacific Coast.
Flyway: Pacific.
BCR: 5.
Lummi Island Heritage Trust will acquire and permanently protect 10 acres in the central portion of the greater Lummi Island landscape.  This project is part of a broader effort to protect the island’s wetlands, which provide vital bird and wildlife habitat, and support critical groundwater resources necessary for aquifer recharge. The properties to be acquired benefit a range of wildlife, including waterfowl, neotropical migratory birds, raptors and owls, mammals and other species.
Project: Samish River Riparian and Wetland Protection, Phase III.
Location: Whatcom County.
Congressional District: 2.
Grantee: Whatcom Land Trust.
Contact: Eric Carabba, eric@whatcomlandtrust.org.
Partners: Whatcom Land Trust.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $88,000.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Pacific Coast.
Flyway: Pacific.
BCR: 5.
Samish Bay, located in north Puget Sound, is recognized as a globally important bird area.  This project builds on prior successes in the Samish by providing perpetual protection to significant freshwater wetland complexes in the basin that contribute to the protection of water quality and habitat conditions in Samish Bay.  Whatcom Land Trust will expand its existing Samish River Preserve by acquiring fee title to 15 acres along the Samish River to protect freshwater wetland and riparian habitats that will support migratory and resident birds, waterfowl, fish, and wildlife.
Project: Glacial Habitat Restoration Area Wetland Restoration Project.
Location: Columbia, Fond du Lac, Dodge and Winnebago counties.
Congressional District: 2 and 6.
Grantee: Wisconsin DNR.
Contact: Deb Weidert, debra.weidert@wisconsin.gov.
Partners: The Nature Conservancy; Fox Valley Technical College.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $81,856.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes.
Flyway: Mississippi.
BCR: 23.
Partners will restore 73 acres of wetlands and protect 140 acres along Rush Lake in southeast Wisconsin.  Waterfowl species that will benefit include American wigeon, northern pintails, wood ducks and lesser scaup.
Project: Green Bay West Shore Preserve Acquisition.
Location: Brown County.
Congressional District: 8.
Grantee: Northeast Wisconsin Land Trust.
Contact: Ryan Bessette, ryanb@newlt.org.
Partners: Wisconsin DNR; Hinshaw Law; Brown County TNC.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $48,960.
Matching Funds: $79,040.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes.
Flyway: Mississippi.
BCR: 23.
The purpose of this project is to protect 34 acres of high-quality wetland habitat along the western shore of Green Bay, a quarter mile from Sensiba Wildlife Area. The parcel to be protected contains 32.5 acres of forested wetland and a seasonal creek, and 1.5 acres of upland forest.  Significant concentrations of mallards, wood ducks, green-winged teal, and gadwalls congregate on refuge sites at Sensiba WA. Pintails, lesser scaup, canvasbacks and other ducks also use these rest areas.
Project: Marquart Addition to the Hallie Marsh Wildlife Area.
Location: Chippewa County.
Congressional District: 7.
Grantee: Pheasants Forever, Inc.
Contact: Jess Birken, jbirken@pheasantsforever.org.
Partners: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $120,000.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes.
Flyway: Mississippi.
BCR: 23.
The Marquardt Acquisition will protect a palustrine emergent wetland and allow for the conversion of row cropping to significant upland nesting cover/habitat for waterfowl and grassland birds, thereby decreasing habitat fragmentation while also serving as a buffer from area urbanization and development. Pheasants Forever will acquire and eventually restore the Marquardt property, and then donate the land to the Wisconsin DNR.
Project: Meadow Valley Flowage Wetland Enhancement Project – Phase III.
Location: Juneau County.
Congressional District: 3.
Grantee: Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Contact: Russ Terry, rterry@ducks.org
Partners: Stan Pils Sportsman’s Club; Wisconsin DNR.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $75,000.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes.
Flyway: Mississippi.
BCR: 23.
The purpose of this project is to enhance 350 acres of waterfowl migration and production habitat at Meadow Valley Wildlife Area by enhancing hydrology and management capacity to allow managers to provide adequate water levels during brood-rearing and migration.  Species that will benefit include wood ducks, mallard and ring-necked ducks.
Project: Northern Empire Prairie Wetlands Initiative.
Location: Columbia County.
Congressional District: 2.
Grantee: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Contact: Sara Kehrli, saras.kehrli@wi.gov.
Partners: Madison Audubon Society, Pheasants Forever Columbia County Chapter.
Approved: June 2012.
Grant: $75,000.
Matching Funds: $87,821.
Nonmatching/Other Federal Funds: none.
Joint Venture Region: Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes.
Flyway: Mississippi.
BCR: 23.
The purpose of this project is providing food sources and nesting and brood-rearing habitat for waterfowl, wetland and grassland birds in the Mud Lake State Wildlife Area.  Partners will enhance wetland habitat and nesting habitat associated with the wetlands on the target parcels.  Waterfowl to benefit include blue-winged teal, ruddy ducks and northern shovelers.
/birdhabitat/Grants/NAWCA/Small/2012.shtm was last updated 06/06/12 10:50:57
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