Office of Law Enforcement
Protecting Wildlife and Plant Resources
Additional Resources Native Americans and Alaskan Natives

Transport of Eagle Items

Eagle Transport Permit Application

Native American Liaison

Possession of Eagle Feathers and Parts Fact Sheet

Beach Found Marine Mammal Parts and Native Alaskans Fact Sheet

Hunting and Use of Polar Bear by Alaska Natives Fact Sheet

National Eagle Repository

The National Eagle Repository is located at Rocky Mountain Arsenal northeast of Denver, Colorado. Its purpose is to provide a central location for the receipt, storage, and distribution of bald and golden eagles that are found dead, and their parts. The eagles, and their parts, are shipped to qualified Native Americans for use in religious Indian ceremonies.

It is illegal for any individual to possess a bald or golden eagle, including its parts (feathers, feet, etc). The distribution of bald and golden eagles, and their parts to Native Americans is authorized by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and Regulations found in 50 CFR 22. Qualified Native Americans wishing to obtain bald or golden eagles or their parts, must submit a new application for a new applicant and if you have applied before using a re-order request application to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Wildlife Permit Office which services the state where the applicant resides. The completed application is sent to the National Eagle Repository and the order is filled on a first come, first serve basis. In 1995, there were approximately 3,000 more approved applications for eagles on file than there were available eagles.

USFWS staff working at the National Eagle Repository. Credit: USFWSUSFWS staff working at National Eagle Repository. Credit: USFWS

Federal and State conservation agencies, zoological parks, rehabilitators, and others who may legally possess and transport dead bald and golden eagles are encouraged to send the dead birds, and their parts, to the Repository so they can be reutilized by Native Americans. Contact the Repository prior to shipping of the eagles to ensure someone will be present to receive them.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
National Eagle Repository
Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Building 128
Commerce City, Colorado 80022
Phone:  (303) 287-2110
Fax:  (303) 287-1570

Last updated: August 15, 2012