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The Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee (CICAC) is a diverse group of public interest, non profit and industry groups working to educate the Congress and the public about important Internet-related policy issues.

This site contains information about the program and activities of the Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee shares the goals of the Congressional Internet Caucus -- a bi-partisan group of over 130 members of the House and Senate working to educate their colleagues about the promise and potential of the Internet. These goals include:

The Congressional Internet Caucus is a Congressional Member Organization (CMO) -- separate and distinct from the Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee, which is a private-sector organization.

The Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee provides a wide variety of timely, dynamic and informative briefings and programs for members of Congress, the technology policy community and industry leaders.

The diversity of CICAC membership ensures that all educational events and initiatives are fair and balanced forums for Internet-related discussion. The CICAC does not promote any particular policy position.

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These events include:

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