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Projects in the Pacific Northwest

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Reclamation's Pacific Northwest Region includes the entire U.S. portion of the Columbia River Basin watershed. Since 1904, Congress has authorized 39 projects throughout the region. These projects include 72 dams, dikes, and diversions, and more than 4,700 miles of canals.

In the Pacific Northwest, Reclamation delivers water to 175 irrigation districts. This water is used to irrigate approximately 2.9 million acres with an annual crop value of about $2.2 billion. Annual power production averages 23.8 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity from ten powerplants.

More specific project data is available at:

Boise Project  
Minidoka Project PDF 727 kb
Owyhee Project PDF 911 kb
Palisades Project PDF 791 kb
Columbia Basin Project PDF 1.95 mb
Yakima Project PDF 776 kb
Hungry Horse Project PDF 1.92 mb
Crooked River Project PDF 1.95 mb
Deschutes Project PDF 745 kb
Owyhee Project PDF 911 kb
Rogue River Basin Project  
Umatilla Project PDF 1.90 mb

Last Update: February 14, 2012 9:34 AM