National Roster of Environmental Dispute Resolution and Consensus Building Professionals


Roster members are all impartial third-party practitioners (e.g., professional facilitators and mediators) experienced with environmental, natural resource and public lands issues, including matters related to energy, transportation and land use. More...

The roster is managed and primarily funded by the U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution, which serves as an impartial, non-partisan institution providing professional expertise, services, and resources to all parties involved in environmental and land use disputes, regardless of who initiates or pays for assistance. The U.S. Institute's enabling legislation directs us to use service providers in the geographic area of the conflict to the maximum extent possible. To achieve this, a National Roster for Environmental Dispute Resolution and Consensus Building Professionals ("Roster of ECR Practitioners") has been developed for use by the U.S. Institute as well as any agency, organization, governmental unit/entity or individual to locate experienced environmental conflict resolution practitioners.

A portion of the development and maintenance of the roster is supported by additional funds from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Conflict Prevention and Resolution Center), the Department of the Interior (Office of Collaborative Action and Dispute Resolution), and the Federal Highway Administration. Management of the roster has been informed by periodic input from individuals on a diverse work group, as well as feedback from searcher and roster member evaluation surveys.

The Roster Program Overview summarizes current membership distribution, search/referral statistics, background, and other information. Read Roster Program Overview

Search & Referral

The Roster of ECR Practitioners search system and referral service are available to anyone interested in the use of environmental conflict resolution (ECR) and collaborative problem solving. More...

If you are looking for an impartial third-party practitioner to assist with environmental conflict resolution, collaborative problem solving, or facilitation, we are available to provide information about selecting an ECR practitioner and tips on using the online search system. We can also provide a referral by doing the search for you. The referral system is enhanced through cooperation with additional programs and networks familiar with the issues in their respective states and regions. To search the roster, simply register in the online system.

Locate qualified ECR professionals using Search & Referral Info and Log In

Roster Application

The application process is open and continuous. Membership is open to experienced environmental professionals with expertise as impartial third parties (e.g., facilitators, mediators and dispute systems designers). Practitioners do not pay a fee but must meet specific entry criteria to become a roster member. More...

Membership outreach continues, with emphasis on diversity in professional services and backgrounds, and on geographic balance.

To be included as a member of the roster, a practitioner’s experience must match with the entry criteria: 1) served as the principal professional on two to ten environmental cases totaling 200 case hours in aggregate; and 2) a total of 60 points across three categories relating to case experience, training work, and substantive background.

To apply to the roster, review the entry criteria in detail and register your username and password. Hard copy applications may be requested from the U.S. Institute. However, use of the electronic application is strongly encouraged.

Learn more about becoming a roster member: Roster Application Info and Log In.

Member Resources

Roster Member Log In


For additional information and assistance with a search or the application process, your contact is Joan Calcagno, Senior Program Manager. tel: (520) 901-8501 / fax: (520) 670-5530

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